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Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos's Recent Galleries

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19-Mar-2025 00:49
Paris 3ème arrondissement; a Discreet and Charming District of Paris (2025)
Paris 3ème arrondissement; a Discreet and Charming District of Paris (2025)
15-Mar-2025 02:13
Paris 4ème arrondissement; Île Saint-Louis, Les Marais, Place des Vosges (2025)
Paris 4ème arrondissement; Île Saint-Louis, Les Marais, Place des Vosges (2025)
05-Mar-2025 01:15
Short Lisbon stay in a sunny afternoon (2025)
Short Lisbon stay in a sunny afternoon (2025)
12-Feb-2025 18:31
Spain: visiting Valencia, Granada, etc..from old Slides (1977)
Spain: visiting Valencia, Granada, etc..from old Slides (1977)
04-Feb-2025 20:54
Claude Monet's house at Giverny and parks in Paris area (1982)
Claude Monet's house at Giverny and parks in Paris area (1982)
04-Feb-2025 14:11
Italy: Portofino, Sainte Marguerite pictures taken with slides film (1983)
Italy: Portofino, Sainte Marguerite pictures taken with slides film (1983)
28-Dec-2024 10:55
Using the old Olympus Evolt E-330 in Florianopolis (2024)
Using the old Olympus Evolt E-330 in Florianopolis (2024)
20-Dec-2024 19:01
Near Fahd's house: Arboretum of Chatenay Malabry (November 2017; revisited 2024)
Near Fahd's house: Arboretum of Chatenay Malabry (November 2017; revisited 2024)
15-Dec-2024 18:07
Paris 20ème; Ménilmontant, streets, bars and the Exciting Cemetery Père Lachaise (2024)
Paris 20ème; Ménilmontant, streets, bars and the Exciting Cemetery Père Lachaise (2024)