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Adalberto Tiburzi's Recent Galleries

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19-Apr-2018 11:14
Late Style
<< Late Style >>
26-Feb-2018 16:08
and my window tells...
<< and my window tells... >>
04-Oct-2017 22:37
Roma Coppedè, Fontana delle Rane, Fountain of the Frogs
<< Roma Coppedè, Fontana delle Rane, Fountain of the Frogs >>
30-May-2017 16:54
Passages /Canon S120
<< Passages /Canon S120  >>
11-Apr-2017 10:39
Adal's selection
<< Adal's selection >>
13-Jan-2017 17:05
Scala in via Tanaro Roma Coppedè
<< Scala in via Tanaro Roma Coppedè >>
23-Dec-2016 18:29
 Heraclitus, my Testament to Light
<<  Heraclitus, my Testament to Light >>
17-Apr-2016 14:53
MACRO Rome gallery
<< MACRO Rome gallery >>
02-Dec-2015 18:39
Museo Carlo Bilotti Roma 2015
<< Museo Carlo Bilotti Roma 2015 >>
29-Nov-2015 14:22
Chiesa Dio Padre Misericordioso Rome
<< Chiesa "Dio Padre Misericordioso" Rome >>
21-Sep-2015 12:00
<< Rome-mades >>
13-Sep-2015 10:09
<< alentours >>