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Roger Ahlman | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Roger Ahlman
Name Roger Ahlman (joined 20-Mar-2008) (pbase supporter)
Username ahlman
Location Värnamo, Sweden
Värnamo, Sweden
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View Galleries : Roger Ahlman has 199 galleries and 14613 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 7013000 times.

View Guestbook : 15 messages. Most recent on 04-Jan-2021.

Message from Roger Ahlman
Welcome to my page in cyberspace.
My name is Roger Ahlman, Swedish but now living in Quito, Ecuador.
I work here as free-lance birdguide but also operate in Peru.
Don't hesitate to contact me about my images, birding in Ecuador or Peru.
Home adress: Juan de Illanez, edif Double Diamond, Urb. Jardines del Batan, Quito, Ecuador
Phone: +593-2-33 41 242 or cel 0999 130 583
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