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Allan Jay's Recent Galleries

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14-Mar-2025 18:48
Los Cobos, Mexico
:: Los Cobos, Mexico ::
06-Mar-2025 17:48
:: Impressions... ::
06-Feb-2025 17:37
Fraser Valley, BC
:: Fraser Valley, BC ::
21-Dec-2024 17:17
:: Slideshow ::
14-Apr-2024 15:51
Madeira 2024
:: Madeira 2024 ::
24-Mar-2024 19:25
Photography Elements - The Best of
:: Photography Elements - The Best of ::
04-Aug-2023 17:43
 Photo of the Week
::  Photo of the Week ::
16-Apr-2023 18:49
Madeira, Portugal 2023
:: Madeira, Portugal 2023 ::
06-Nov-2021 18:02
Whistler, BC
:: Whistler, BC ::
20-Nov-2020 16:43
August 2020 - Victoria, BC
:: August 2020 - Victoria, BC ::
13-May-2020 16:22
Old Town Scottsdale
:: Old Town Scottsdale ::
03-Dec-2019 21:45
Cruisin' In The Mediterranean
:: Cruisin' In The Mediterranean ::