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Antonio Ruggiero | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Antonio Ruggiero
Name Antonio Ruggiero (joined 13-Apr-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username antorug
Personal URL
Location Torino - Italy
Torino - Italy
View Galleries : Antonio Ruggiero has 154 galleries and 7572 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 8173730 times.

View Guestbook : 52 messages. Most recent on 28-Nov-2012.

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Message from Antonio Ruggiero
Antonio Ruggiero | Create Your Badge

Welcome to my galleries,

I'm a man with passion to photography.

One of the my most favorite things is a street photography and you will see many candid shots in my galleries. I really like and cherish those un-posed shots, which bring out most interesting human emotions and behavior.

When I take candid shots on streets I will always try to respect the person whose picture I'm taking. If you find yourself in any picture in my galleries and feel that you are not comfortable to be there, just send me a message or leave private comment under the picture and I will remove it immediately. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for visiting my world of photography and browsing and commenting on my work. I feel really inspired sometimes reading your comments and appreciate both positive and constructive critique.
Grazie a tutti i naviganti che vogliono sfogliare i miei Album fotografici.
Sono gradite critiche, commenti e stroncature.

Uno dei miei soggetti preferiti, sono le foto istantanee di persone, giovani ed anziane, catturate per strada, senza preavviso , per meglio cogliere la spontaneita' dell' espressione umana. Quando scatto queste istantanee cerco sempre di rispettare la persona che sto fotografando. Tuttavia, se qualcuno, riconoscendosi in foto dei miei album, ritiene che cio' viola la sua riservatezza, puo' inviarmi una e-mail o lasciarmi un messaggio privato sotto la foto, ed io provvedero' immediatamente a rimuoverla, scusandomi fin da ora per l'eventuale disturbo arrecato.
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