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LeuAnna Taylor | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Sean Blumenhein 14-Feb-2025 16:42
Hi! It is great to make it back to your galleries and see your work again. Great job and a great eye!

poop 11-Nov-2012 01:10
Piper 06-Nov-2011 23:48
I have a picture of a fungi (?) that is growing in our terrarium. We are trying to teach our 4 year old about all the different things that grow in a balance ecosystem and how the fungi is really good for the terrarium. But, we don't know for sure this is a fungi, if I sent you the picture would you be able to identify if it's a fungi?
Guest 27-Jun-2010 18:55
wow,these pictures are wonderful.marvelous,you really have a gift here.I was completely amazed.iI love them all. sandy
Guest 06-Jan-2010 14:34
kathleen D. again---I meant to mention the depth of "shiny balls"---really interesting and good.
Kathleen De Vitis 06-Jan-2010 14:20
LeuAnna-It's Kathleen D. from church and I just read your "through the lens" and went to the's wonderful
and you are very much like myself!!! I get teased for having over 30,000 pics on my Mac. I, too, have taken so many of the same (parks, micros of flowers, water...etc.) and just know the joy you get out of doing this as a hobby. I cannotever think it a "waste of time" since as you say, it's an appreciation towards our Creator. I REALLY like the moths and butterflies (a fav. subject of mine) and the odds and ends gallery. Washington looks gorgeous and the local parks are as if we look through the same eyes. I know them well. What a treat for a quiet, wintery day!! Keep it up.
Tom 29-Jun-2009 04:45
Ich bin beeindruckt. Deine Fotos sind wundervoll.
I'm impressed. Your photos are wonderful.
regards from Germany
Tom 29-Jun-2009 04:39
Ich bin beeindruckt. Deine Fotos sind wundervoll.
I'm impressed. Your photos are wonderful.
regards from Germany
Guest 13-Jun-2008 21:30
Impressive! Thanks for sharing...
mart senior01-Mar-2008 12:46
you have some great galleries,will be back to view more..mart.s
Guest 01-Dec-2007 08:24
Great Gallery
Peter Chou23-Oct-2007 15:52
Love your work on 'faces'. Excellent imagination! Keep your work coming!
Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:38
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your pictures.
boy yniguez19-Mar-2007 17:44
revisiting your galleries i see the predominant green in your pictures, proof how lush and verdant your environment is! keep on shooting!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:55
Wonderfully magical.
Debbie B.19-Jan-2007 20:29
Thank you for the kind words about my winter swan image. :-)
Mario Weusten03-Jan-2007 07:27
Happy New Year to you, and your family and friends
GR Mario
Amy Bates 13-Dec-2006 06:23
Your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with me!
Shelley 12-Nov-2006 10:01
You are so amazing!! You should do this professionally!
Marcia Colelli16-Oct-2006 17:36
Thanks for visiting my gallery and the comment on my Cabo beach shot.
I see you are from Ohio also. Go Buckeyes!!No, I am not into football but my family is.
Sean Blumenhein13-Nov-2005 17:07
You have some very nice work here, I look forward to visiting your galleries often.
