Message from Birte Person
I am a dane living in Australia,passionate about our environment, I live in a rainforest setting and breed endangered frogs which are released into their natural habitat where they are low in numbers.Is,nt it odd that the only wilderness left on the planet is where mankind cannot sustain himself,and is,nt it strange that the man who likes to wander in these places is called crazy and a vagrant.But the man who cuts down all the trees in these places is called an entrepreneur.My what high standards mankind has.Through my photography I hope to make people aware of the need to protect the natural world. My photography has been published in many digital photography magazines and text books for the north american and asian market, and in the form of posters for environmental causes.To be photographing the beauty in nature is a joy for me especially in this insane world we live in.I wonder what it would be like if animals ruled, properly far better.You have never seen a monkey put a fence around a coconut tree and proclaim it his, no he calls the rest of the tribe to share instead, and we are civilized.I think not!!THIS IS WHAT WE HUMANS HAVE ACHIEVED IN THE LAST 25 YEARS...EXTINCT 565 MAMMALS,BIRDS AND REPTILES FROM TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS.....EXTINCT 270 SPECIES FROM COASTAL REGIONS AND OCEANS.....EXTINCT 343 SPECIES FROM WETLANDS,RIVERS AND LAKES!!!!!!!! This is a must watch video, exactly as I see the world today_________
Places I have visited or lived in my life.

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