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Bob's Recent Galleries

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21-Mar-2025 16:12
[ stuff ]
29-Apr-2021 16:00
[ paracord ]
10-Oct-2019 15:01
Canon 40mm F2.8 + 0.7X adapter
[ Canon 40mm F2.8 + 0.7X adapter ]
09-Oct-2019 15:44
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 + 0.7X adapter
[ Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 + 0.7X adapter ]
09-Oct-2019 15:35
Canon 50mm  F1.8 +0.7X
[ Canon 50mm F1.8 +0.7X ]
24-Sep-2019 15:21
Canon 15-45mm Kit lens
[ Canon 15-45mm Kit lens ]
21-May-2017 18:11
My Favorites
[ My Favorites ]
20-Sep-2007 00:56
Blue Ridge, Georgia
[ Blue Ridge, Georgia ]
16-Sep-2007 19:05
Butterflies, Skippers, and other bugs
[ Butterflies, Skippers, and other bugs ]
03-Jun-2007 14:56
Flowers (latest)
[ Flowers (latest) ]
14-Jan-2007 17:14
Pets & other Animals
[ Pets & other Animals ]
22-Nov-2006 21:29
Georgia Aquarium
[ Georgia Aquarium ]