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Carol Keeler | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I have always loved the natural world. It always brought me peace and serenity. I began to learn about all aspects of nature and began to share my love of nature with the children I taught. The next natural progression was photographing the natural world to share it with my children. I've been a photographer for about 40 years. Photography is a joy, passion, and a challenge. It's an honor to share my images with you. I've branched out to more different avenues than just nature. Anything can be a subject for me today. I hope you enjoy my images.
:: favorites_from_2022 ::
:: favorites_of_2021 ::
Favorites in 2020
:: Favorites in 2020 ::
2018 Favorites
:: 2018 Favorites ::
Favorites for 2017
:: Favorites for 2017 ::
2016 Favorites
:: 2016 Favorites ::
:: 2015_favorites ::
Favorites for 2014
:: Favorites for 2014 ::
Picture a Day 2013
:: Picture a Day 2013 ::
Picture a Day for 2012
:: Picture a Day for 2012 ::
Picture a Day 2011
:: Picture a Day 2011 ::
Picture a Day 2010
:: Picture a Day 2010 ::
Picture a Day 2009
:: Picture a Day 2009 ::
Picture a Day for 2008
:: Picture a Day for 2008 ::
 Carol Keeler: Favorites
::  Carol Keeler: Favorites ::
Gallery:Impressions of Nature
:: Gallery:Impressions of Nature ::
Color, Shape, and Line Impressions
:: Color, Shape, and Line Impressions ::
Gallery: Scenics
:: Gallery: Scenics ::
Gallery: Morning and Evening Splendor
:: Gallery: Morning and Evening Splendor ::
:: Gallery:Waterfalls ::
Gallery: Small Water-streams, cascades, rapids
:: Gallery: Small Water-streams, cascades, rapids ::
:: Gallery:Autumn ::
:: Gallery:Winter ::
:: Gallery:Ice ::
:: Gallery:Waterfowl ::
Gallery: Birds That Wade
:: Gallery: Birds That Wade ::
Gallery:Raptors, eagles, hawks, owls
:: Gallery:Raptors, eagles, hawks, owls ::
Short Eared Owls
:: Short Eared Owls ::
:: Gallery:Osprey ::
Gallery:Perching Birds, Passerines
:: Gallery:Perching Birds, Passerines ::
Gallery: Gulls and Terns
:: Gallery: Gulls and Terns ::
Gallery:Nonpasserine Land Birds
:: Gallery:Nonpasserine Land Birds ::
Gallery:Insects,Butterflies, Dragonflies, Damselflies, Bees, Spiders
:: Gallery:Insects,Butterflies, Dragonflies, Damselflies, Bees, Spiders ::
:: Gallery:Mammals ::
Gallery:Cultivated Flowers
:: Gallery:Cultivated Flowers ::
:: Gallery:Wildflowers ::
Gallery:Still Life
:: Gallery:Still Life ::
:: Gallery:Simplicity ::
:: Gallery:Close-ups ::
Gallery:Black and White, Sepia, or Toned
:: Gallery:Black and White, Sepia, or Toned ::
Gallery:Buildings and Structures
:: Gallery:Buildings and Structures ::
Gallery:Color, Lights, and/or Motion
:: Gallery:Color, Lights, and/or Motion ::
:: Gallery:Glass ::
:: Gallery:Things ::
Gallery:Just For Fun
:: Gallery:Just For Fun ::
Gallery: The Beauty of the Rose
:: Gallery: The Beauty of the Rose ::
Gallery:A Trip to the Zoo
:: Gallery:A Trip to the Zoo ::
Gallery:  Bridges and Staircases
:: Gallery: Bridges and Staircases ::
Gallery:  What Do You See in My Crystal Ball?
:: Gallery: What Do You See in My Crystal Ball? ::
My Gardens- June 2009
:: My Gardens- June 2009 ::
Behavioral Images
:: Behavioral Images ::
2010 Montezuma Muckrace Birds
:: 2010 Montezuma Muckrace Birds ::
Wearing Ink: Tattoo Expo
:: Wearing Ink: Tattoo Expo ::
Gallery: Red Headed Woodpecker
:: Gallery: Red Headed Woodpecker ::
:: 2024_favorites ::