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chineart18-Oct-2011 02:16
Royal's Chinese Antique Furniture in Shanghai China


--- occupy 500m2 square meter warehouse, focusing Chinese antique furniture, Make to Order Reproduction furnitures, 1930 Shanghai Art Deco Furniture
--- is an antique restoration & wood finishing company based in Shanghai City. Specializing in Chinese Traditional furniture Polishing, Color Matching, Piece Replacement, Re-gluing , Repairing.and Re-canning.,Wood carving, Mechanical repairing, Gold/Silver galvanizing, Anodizing, sofa upholstery
--- run business Chinese antique furniture business 15 years in Shanghai, export to 60 countries and regions in the World, fluent in English. Of course, in Chinese
--- Free Delivery within Shanghai, or Pick up Freely by clients.
--- Resident outside of Shanghai city, Wooden Package/Truck Carrier way to ship to your door house Address, such as Chongqing, Beijing and other cities.
--- 40 minutes driving time from downtown Shanghai, close by Hongqiao Airport. Send SMS to 13901685220 for the directions. OR taking subway No.2, get off at XuJing Dong Station, will be collected by our team and then go to our warehouse for visiting.
--- export personal belongings for abroad residents lived in Shanghai
--- Chinese Furniture Hardware in Brass material, ship worldwide basis, online Ordering.Custom made Chinese furniture hardware

Mobile Phone :0086 13901685220 OR 13621990301
Opening Time: 24 hours all day all time if appointment firstly
ATTN: Mr. Royal Hsu
Address : NO.4849 Beiqing Road,QingPu Region Shanghai China
iBY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please send SMS for the directions how to get here)