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Dennis Barry's Recent Galleries

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14-Mar-2025 18:09
Sax-Zim Bog
:: Sax-Zim Bog ::
07-Mar-2025 18:30
Backyard Birds
:: Backyard Birds ::
06-Feb-2025 22:42
Birds and Parks
:: Birds and Parks ::
04-Feb-2025 19:14
M.L. Leddy’s Custom Boots
:: M.L. Leddy’s Custom Boots ::
04-Feb-2025 18:35
Paintbrush Alley
:: Paintbrush Alley ::
29-Jan-2025 17:04
San Angelo Museum of Fine Art
:: San Angelo Museum of Fine Art ::
26-Jan-2025 23:11
Goodfellow Air Force Base
:: Goodfellow Air Force Base ::
26-Jan-2025 22:35
 Railway Museum of San Angelo
::  Railway Museum of San Angelo ::
23-Jan-2025 17:41
E.H. Danner Museum of Telephony
:: E.H. Danner Museum of Telephony ::
23-Jan-2025 15:23
Fort Concho
:: Fort Concho ::
16-Jan-2025 22:07
Fort Chadbourne
:: Fort Chadbourne ::
13-Jan-2025 17:48
Abandoned Saint John's Catholic Church
:: Abandoned Saint John's Catholic Church ::