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Dick Osseman | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Dick Osseman
Name Dick Osseman (joined 20-Jun-2013) (pbase supporter)
Username dosseman_jordan
Location Netherlands
View Galleries : Dick Osseman has 100 galleries and 2514 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1082735 times.

View Guestbook : 3 messages. Most recent on 27-Jan-2016.

Message from Dick Osseman
I find many people think I earn money through the "clicks". The opposite is true: I pay for the upkeep of the site, and the number of views does not bring me any money.

Copyright matters

All pictures were taken by me and I do claim copyright for them (except for some of scanned publications in which pictures of mine appear, see my Me in print gallery. As for that copyright being violated: I am only partly worried. I would not like it if other people got rich using my pictures, without my getting a share. So far no one got rich there, so this is a mute point. If you want to now more about me check the "personal URL" above. It will enable you to see I have extensive sites about other countries also.

Possible use and what to do

Commercial use: This may be: use for books, commercial sites, television, articles, in short: any. Always send me an e-mail ( and tell me about your intentions, never use the picture without my knowing so. I may hand the right over for free, I may ask for a fee. On that you should mail me and we'll work something out. I can often supply better high-resolution copies, though I do not like the recent craze for "high resolution" meaning I am expected to send a 16 MB file for a 1 by 2 inch picture. My format in 2013 was a Nikon D4 at 4928 × 3280 pixels. And when requesting on one or more pictures, please do not use references like "that nice picture of ornaments on a hamam", but send me the link to the single shot when in view, for example: . Do this even when you refer to many pictures, it may be repetitive to you, but I have to locate pictures in a huge archive, and without such quick reference I'm lost.

Private use: If you want to keep my pictures just for yourself, or to show to a few friends: feel free to download them (right click on the picture and use a "save" option). Best quality is obtained in the "original" view you can set under a picture. You may wish to inform me you liked the pictures and mail me, but the sheer fact that you download them does not bother me.
I consider using the occasional picture in a blog private use, so I do not need to be informed. But there I would appreciate it if I'm mentioned as the copyright owner.

Professional use: by this I mean: using pictures in presentations, a thesis, a course. I like to at least have my name (as Dick Osseman) and if possible a link to my site shown. That is: if possible. In some presentations it would be silly, in a thesis it can easily be arranged. I like to be informed but it is not a must.

Semi-professional: Some people request permission to use pictures on a website they created and often run as a hobby. I would like to treat that as "professional", and thus be informed. However: if it is for just a few pictures, I do not need to be bothered. I think it is up to your conscience. Again: indicate me as the owner of the copyright.
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