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Elena Comens | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Reddi 09-Mar-2011 06:46
Your work as a photo-journalist is goodI. An observant eye that documents and conveys a social context of environment. I'm an ex fine art and design undergraduate and have built up a large collection of photo journalistic work, mainly of the major archaeological sites in the middle east, South Asia, the Far East and South East Asia. I like your work.
Richard Freer 17-Feb-2011 07:08
You have a gifted eye for light, shadow, and juxtaposition of shapes.
NTHABISENG 21-Jun-2010 14:44
Michael Van Meter 29-Jul-2008 11:24
You have a marvelous eye for portraiture. I too am fascinated by people. You capture much more than the basic good technical image. You preserve a moment of feeling and manage to get that most difficult of accomplishments. You get them to forget that the camera is there. Brava
Guest 30-Mar-2007 05:53
Dear Elena,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 26-Mar-2006 21:39
Lovely pictures, nice galleries.
Thanks also for visiting.
Kind regards
Leon 20-Mar-2006 21:39
wonderful and very artful, they ought to be classics

by the way it is via dolorosa

Guest 16-Aug-2005 04:40
I don't know where to start. First I thought your gallery of Israel was great, then I saw another great gallery, and yet another one... your work is amazingly well done. You're definitely in my list of favorites.
Maria Rossetti 28-Jul-2005 21:39
Elena,I feel very privilege to work with you;You are wonderfull!!!
Deb Goldsmith 22-Jun-2005 02:41
Wow, Elena! Wow! Wow!! Wow!!
Elliott Marshall, A.S., RPR 13-Jun-2005 03:51
Elena, Super galleries. Your work is better than ever. Sorry I lost contact with you. Give me a call when you read this message. Sincerely, Elliott Marshall, "The Rainbowman." (954) 389-5056.
Erin Wade 24-Feb-2005 18:24
Elena, would you please contact me with your email address? I would like to request permission to use one of your photos in a publication I am working on.

Thank You,

Erin Wade
Guest 16-Jul-2004 11:19
I have locked @ your photo gallery.... well i loved the B & W works of yours.

From Amir from Israel.
harvey 07-Feb-2004 04:29
I am in awe of your many abilities, the magnificence of your works and your commitment to photography which tells stories and creates moods...depicts lifes realities... thank you for sharing yeyour gifts...Harv
charles marut18-Nov-2003 05:48
Your Israel photos are a nice departure from the news photos of mayhem we see every day. Thanks for posting. They're great!

Guest 19-Jun-2003 20:04
You have such a wide range of different images, you capture the mood of people, things, nature... I really love your photos very much!
Liana and Lizzy 17-Apr-2003 17:10
hey grandma your page is amazing..we love you more then anything!!
Valerie Interligi 01-Oct-2002 20:18
Dear Elena, I am a member of the Nassau County Camera Club and have to tell you that I enjoyed your photos. Your work is beautiful.
Guest 25-Sep-2002 19:54
Seeing your work here brings me back to your Nassau County Camera Club days. I still bring up your work as an example of where Camera Club Photography should be headed. I am going to spend some time looking at your marvellous images. If you have a few moments pop over to Nothing to compare to yours, I'm afraid, but just some fun i've been having with mt new digital toy.
Best regards with fond affection,
Guest 29-Jul-2002 07:17
Hi Elena,

Sorry - I left my message in Russian - thought that you might be russian speaker :-))

What I wrote there is that your pics are very nice and if you would create the same gallery in colors - might be even nicer.

East is very colorful :)

See ya.
mike levine 24-Jul-2002 03:16
wow! your talent knows no boundaries! i look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. 'kol hakavod'
Guest 13-Jul-2002 18:45
I'm strongly impressed by your docmentary photos... Thanks for sharing and looking forward to review the world more from your "eye"
Pili 27-Jun-2002 16:13
Elena ,,,

, you are one of a kind,,,,,your sensitivite ,,artistic talent,,vision, is a gift to

treasure and a luxury to those of us who are lucky to get in contact whith your work

Thank youuuuuuuu and love Pili Pubul
Guest 22-Jun-2002 16:30
Congratulations on your outstanding work. Love your attitude and it's wonderful to look at. Thank you for sharing. I will be back to look for new images.
Haim Ziv - Press Photographer, "Yedioth Aharonoth" daily newspaper ISRAEL.
Traci 19-Jun-2002 23:56
hey!!This os Lianas Friend Traci!!!I love your page its really g00d!!!