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Eldan Meidan | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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roulette 28-Nov-2006 04:07
u have the beauty site
roulette 27-Nov-2006 23:56
u have the beauty site
Tony 16-Jun-2005 17:25
Hey Eldan,
I dove Eilot 1991 (my first dive) and still to this day have not seen place as beautiful.
I also have 4000Z and I just got pt-010 with Sea&Sea YS-30 strobe. Any wide ang. lenses I can get for them that you know of? Thanks
Tony (my photos: )
Dov 23-Jun-2004 21:06
Beautyful pictures!
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ISRAEL MEIDAN 10-Apr-2004 18:37
Eldan is my brother and I'm proud to see his art capabilities in photography this time underwater. His experience above ground are known to me for many years.
Eldy Kol Ha kavod - Srul