Hi Kevin,
Did you sell your '67 Triumph GT6 to someone overseas a few years ago? We thought we saw it on some website and were wondering (guy said he bought it from a musuem). Can you let us know - we were the owners long, long ago!
Nice collection of Tele shots. Here's one more if you'd care to copy.
http://www.pbase.com/passman/image/33591875 I have some nice shots of a 61 LP for your SG gallery also.
Is that your M3M? Nice guitar! In fact, you have pictures of LOTS of nice guitars... Are they all yours? I enjoyed browsing.
Take care,
Bill Simpson
Ed Ball
07-Dec-2006 17:55
Hi Kevin,
I've just discovered this web site... through my search for certain Gretsch guitar model infomation. Your photo of a red Gretsch 6119, is great. I was wondering if it's yours? I'm looking for some feature info, and hoping you'll allow me to add it's serial # to my extensive database (which I'd share with you). Please contact me at eball1@hallmark.com, and let me know your thoughts. Since I'm unfamiliar with this site, it's hard to know if you're getting this message, so please at least touch base... so I don't keep bugging you, thinking I haven't made contct. Thanks a bunch... and I love those pix of the new reissue Gretsch line! -- Ed Ball
28-Apr-2004 17:39
Just checking out your car, it looks great I have two spitfires myself, 69 and 79 always wanted a GT maybe someother time....