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Ian Cameron | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Ian Cameron
Name Ian Cameron (joined 21-Aug-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username hwatt
Personal URL
Location Scotland
View Galleries : Ian Cameron has 11 galleries and 1442 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 5886048 times.

View Guestbook : 98 messages. Most recent on 27-May-2020.

Message from Ian Cameron
Welcome to my gallery of Landscape, Nature and Travel images. I have a passion for photographing fine light and do everything I can to be in the right place at the right time. On those rare occasions that light, subject matter and composition are persuaded into coherency then the ordinary can become extraordinary. I refer to these rare moments of beauty as Transient Light and have based my website around these experiences.

Unsurprisingly perhaps, there has been considerable speculation about the amount of "manipulation" that occurs within my work. Please be assured that I strive to make my digital files identical to the original transparency as viewed on a calibrated light box and the barest minimum is done to the scanned image to achieve that goal.

That said Velvia slide film has a unique colour palette all of its own, it is not identical to the response of the human eye, nor could it ever hope to be, presently no film or digital chip approaches that level of sophistication. I use neutral density graduated filters and polarisers to try and bring the colour and contrast back into alignment with what my own eyes see at the time of taking the photograph. The results may not be perfect but they do successfully echo my memory of the scene and more to the point, transport me back to the moment I took the shot in an astonishingly convincing manner that completely satisfies me.

Well that's my story but what you choose to believe is entirely up to you.



New!! Photographic workshops and masterclasses are constantly updated on my website at.. TRANSIENT LIGHT.

Please feel free to browse.

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