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Irish Mason's Recent Galleries

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27-Sep-2013 03:13
The Bloody Angle
:: The Bloody Angle ::
27-Sep-2013 02:27
Emergency on Skyline Drive
:: Emergency on Skyline Drive ::
27-Sep-2013 02:00
Flt 93 National Memorial Crash Site
:: Flt 93 National Memorial Crash Site ::
27-Sep-2013 01:36
Pro Football Hall of Fame - Canton,Ohio
:: Pro Football Hall of Fame - Canton,Ohio ::
03-Aug-2013 20:59
Train Outside Main Entry at Royal Gorge Bridge & Park - 499
:: Train Outside Main Entry at Royal Gorge Bridge & Park - 499 ::
03-Aug-2013 20:59
Arkansas River at Bottom of Royal Gorge
:: Arkansas River at Bottom of Royal Gorge ::
03-Aug-2013 20:51
Royal Gorge Suspension Bridge
:: Royal Gorge Suspension Bridge ::
03-Aug-2013 20:51
Animals at Royal Gorge
:: Animals at Royal Gorge ::
03-Aug-2013 20:34
Royal Gorge Bridge & Park
:: Royal Gorge Bridge & Park ::
03-Aug-2013 20:34
Mountain Men Encampment
:: Mountain Men Encampment ::
03-Aug-2013 20:05
Royal Gorge Route Railroad
:: Royal Gorge Route Railroad ::
03-Aug-2013 20:05
Royal Gorge Incline Railway
:: Royal Gorge Incline Railway ::