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Mike Shore's Recent Galleries

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12-Sep-2024 17:45
JFK Drive NorthEast
JFK Drive NorthEast
12-Sep-2024 03:18
Doughboy Meadow & Redwood Memorial Grove
Doughboy Meadow & Redwood Memorial Grove
11-Sep-2024 14:13
Heroes Grove
Heroes Grove
05-Jul-2024 12:26
Golden Gate Park
Golden Gate Park
05-Jul-2024 12:22
SF Snapshots
SF Snapshots
05-Jul-2024 04:26
Beach Chalet Path & Soccer Fields
Beach Chalet Path & Soccer Fields
05-Jul-2024 04:19
Murphy Windmill & Millwright's Cottage
Murphy Windmill & Millwright's Cottage
05-Jul-2024 04:14
Stow Lake & Strawberry Hill
Stow Lake & Strawberry Hill
05-Jul-2024 04:03
Overlook Drive & Middle Drive West
Overlook Drive & Middle Drive West
05-Jul-2024 03:43
JFK Drive NorthWest
JFK Drive NorthWest
16-Jun-2024 13:57
Chain of Lakes Drive
Chain of Lakes Drive
16-Jun-2024 13:57
Fly Casting Pools & Anglers Lodge
Fly Casting Pools & Anglers Lodge