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Jan Tuinstra | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Karen J Littlefield 31-Dec-2009 02:49
Loved your photo's Jan. you are a wonderful photographer!
Anna 26-Sep-2008 00:16
Wonderful pics Jan, thanks for sharing!
Jan Tuinstra02-Jun-2008 19:48

You are so right about their agendas! I have discovered a love for the older dogs. Annie's dogs are older and they are the sweetest most loving dogs. 52 dogs were there taking turns for treats and not one growl.

Brenda Rose 01-Jun-2008 18:20
Dear Jan,
You capture the greyhound spirit (retired greyhound spirit) in all your shots. They are gentle clowns with no other agenda other than to love and be loved, and it doesn't matter whether they're bouncing through a field or at rest in a water bowl, their sweet natures shine through. Not everyone is able to capture that. Congratulations on having that magic touch and thank you for sharing these pictures.
Sincerely, Brenda (Martha's friend in Canada)
teade tuinstra 23-Dec-2007 12:36
Best wishes from Holland, Bunne.

We wish our family overseas a very good christmas and a blessed 2008.

Teade Tuinstra and family, Bunne Holland
Guest 08-Mar-2007 10:41
I'm totally speechless. Good stuff.
Guest 14-Oct-2005 01:43

Where is the butterfly photo? I would like to send it to Pam.
Kevin Boddy 25-May-2005 00:53
You have some really nice photos on this site. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing more.
