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Kirk Stanley | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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hermankervel09-Aug-2014 10:39
nice pictures
jim moore 13-Jul-2012 18:39
Kirk, enjoyed your photography from last year's Waterford Hills Vintage races. Are you going to be out there this year (2012)? I am running my car and would like to have some photos of it at the event. I will be running in the 2.5 Trans Am Challenge in my 911 that ran in the Trans Am series in 1969

Jim Moore
Dave Barnes01-Jan-2011 20:36
Hi Kirk, some great images here. Love especially the ones from the UP in MI, I made a visit there once and would love to go back. Share you love of motorcycles too.
Great bird shots in one gallery, one day also plan to return to Florida - this time with my camera!
Thanks for stopping by.
John Bright 03-Mar-2010 18:43
Wow, Kirk.

My name is john bright. I live in santa maria, ca. I have to tell you, I found your picture of YOU ?? leaning against the wall and just behind your orange bike...I pulled it up at work and all of the guys in my office swore it was me.

I looked for 'kirk stanley' on google just to see if I could find wo the model was and discovered it is you, right?

Great shots in your galleries...thanks for sharing.
P. Gottshall19-Jan-2009 00:49
Nice galleries all. I especially like the Autofest and cruise-ins.
Al Consoli25-Aug-2008 13:37
Very nice pictures. I've got to get to that "Dream Cruise" one day.
Guest 21-Jan-2008 02:07
Great shots! Enjoyed your galleries. Keep shooting!
Guest 26-Oct-2007 20:59
you're my hero!
Tom Howerton25-Jun-2005 01:51

If you have a moment, some of my Pontiac photos don't have the model year on them because I simply don't know. I know that some of the cars are '60 somethings or '70 somethings but I don't want to label a car with the incorrect model year. If you have a moment, take a look at the Pontiac Car Show gallery and post a comment with the image if you can help with the model year.

Thanks in advance,
Tom Howerton25-Jun-2005 01:15
Hey Kirk,

Thanks for stopping by my Pontiac Car Show gallery. I just took a look at your galleries. They are excellent!! I've added you to my favorite Pbase artists, too.

I had a 1972 Pontiac Luxury Lemans and a 1973 Pontiac Gran Am. Boy, I wish I still had those cars!!

The Camera Guy
Kirk Stanley 11-Mar-2005 01:59
Hi Kirk,

Just did a Google search on my name and came across you. I'm not much of a photographer but did enjoy your work, particularly the cars. I notice from a previous message that you golf so we do have something in common other than the monicker.

Regards, another Kirk Stanley
Lisa24-Oct-2004 01:45
Hi Kirk:
Thanks for leaving the nice comment in my guestbook. And thank you for allowing me to work with your photos. I am definitely going to take a look as I always like to work with new pics.
Keith 03-Jan-2004 19:41
Nice site - ButterfiesDrinking quite striking.
You mention "Nikon D200". I searched this phrase to find you.
I'm holding out on D100 as it is only USB1.1 and a few other shortfalls - but otherwise exploits Nikon lenses (maybe its best arg vs Canon & Fuji?). Have any idea when the D200 might happen? Any G2 on it elsewhere on web?
I use F100 and scan on old Coolpix. Nikon has new, higher dyn rng (4.2), faster scanners out now. Seems to be the main alternative to going digital.
Wondered about CompactFlash surviving airport xray. Poor info on web about this issue. SanDisk says take CF on your person - but this doesn't go after 911. Any comment?
Thanks for reading, and good luck in 2004!
John Thompson 31-Dec-2003 00:03

Nice playing golf with you @ Hernando Oaks (December 30th, 2003). I enjoyed the pictures, and would like to see more when you post some more, send us a link.
