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Ken Mayo | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 14-Sep-2008 21:50
Ken very nice FBC pictures! It would be helpful to have names under the individual FBC photos, since most we won't recognize without that. Glad to hear you are Reformed, as are we.

It would have been nice to see you at the reunion. How are you these days? Thinking of you my friend and hoping all is well! Kay Hagenbuch Dundas (
Paul O'Neill 19-Jun-2008 16:10
Ken, great pictures. Haven't talked to you in quite a while. Hope you're doing well. I found this site when I did a google for Carfaro, as I was finalizing a report for them and saw your link.
DINO 27-Jan-2008 07:04
when are you going to post the Gasparilla 2008 pictures ?
Guest 23-Jun-2007 04:39
I think you're on a whole different level than a lot other people.
Guest 23-Sep-2006 03:58
Great pics. Ken, you have a great eye! Wish you
would have told me sooner about this site!
Gale Lovett 16-Aug-2006 00:23
Why didn't you tell me about your site much sooner? Family the last to know, huh? Great work you do there! Hope you don't mind if I put links to my sites...Sister Gale
Jeffery Stahlman05-Dec-2004 23:57
Ken, I just wanted to thank you for introducing me to PBase. I am having a ball! By the way, I am the guy you takling photography with at the mall a few weeks back. P.S. very nice images you have here.
Rob Moorman 09-Sep-2004 21:37
Thanks for the 10 minutes of fame on your site. I am Rob Moorman Tampa Bay Illustrated photographer from the Gasparilla invasion. A good friend found an image of me on your site and forwarded it to me. It has been fun. If you have a chance give me a call after this hurricane Ivan passes so we can talk photo. If you wish our web site is . I am really a commercial and portrait photographer but I enjoy shooting for the magizine from time to time as a freelancer. I hope to talk to you soon.
Marion Schwartz 08-Sep-2004 23:26
Ken Mayo has a unique talent to capture the essence of his subject, predominantly the beauty of nature. He has a sensitivity to nature not to be equaled and it shines through every photograph he takes. He is extremely talented and we shall be saying rhat we "knew him when". I feel lucky that he has taken on the plight of the retired racing greyhounds to show people that they are graceful, elegant, sweet, playful & loving. We heve adopted three greys and would have 10 more if we could. People need to be aware that they make the best pets ever, because many are being killed after they are finished racing (around 3 years of age).