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Kenneth R. Allison | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Cory 23-Sep-2012 21:24
Is there any way to buy a print of this? I spent summers with my grandparents who lived on Cockle Cove road and used to love to throw rocks of this bridge (random things you do when you are a kid).
Guest 27-Feb-2008 15:26
Dang, this won't let me reciprocate with *my* URL, as I meant to yesterday. Here, I'll break it up: http:// midnightgarden12 Maybe I can sneak it through that way...just take out the spaces.
Greg 27-Feb-2008 15:21
Hey Ken! Thanks so much for sharing the URL for your've taken some really excellent photos! Intellectual property issues to the side, it's easy to see why anyone would want them! See ya at the Jail...
sherwood frazier14-Dec-2006 02:29
Came acrossed you photos and wanted to say nice work. I also live in NH and have shot many of the same places that are in your galleries. I have commented on a number of your individual photos.
I live on lake Winnipesaukee in Laconia, You can find my galleries using Pbase search, Sherwoodf.
Keep on taking those photos, we live in a beautiful place to be into photography.
Jan 09-Jun-2006 13:15

Your photos are wonderful! Karen shared them with me...
Diana 09-Feb-2006 03:39
Awesome pictures. Thank you for sharing.