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David Griffel's Recent Galleries

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02-Mar-2025 16:51
Tyntesfield House at Christmas
:: Tyntesfield House at Christmas ::
10-Sep-2024 11:35
St. Mary's
:: St. Mary's ::
28-Aug-2024 19:54
:: Tresco  ::
28-Aug-2024 16:26
Tresco Abbey Gardens
:: Tresco Abbey Gardens ::
22-Jul-2024 09:26
:: Lancashire ::
15-Jul-2024 11:48
Misericords in Ludlow
:: Misericords in Ludlow ::
09-Mar-2016 15:21
:: Kvaløya ::
09-Mar-2016 12:06
Tromsø town
:: Tromsø town ::
25-Oct-2013 13:50
Southern Iceland
:: Southern Iceland ::
17-Nov-2012 21:49
W. of Windermere, October
:: W. of Windermere, October ::
09-Oct-2012 19:27
Nova Scotia coast and forest
:: Nova Scotia coast and forest ::
27-Sep-2012 08:50
Halifax, Lunenburg, Annapolis Royal
:: Halifax, Lunenburg, Annapolis Royal ::