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mschance26-Jan-2006 23:14
There was an unusually intense northerly migration of the butterflies along the coast of california last year because of an earlier spell of prolonged rains. I took these shots while they were passing through San Diego. I am not sure where they were heading for a final destination if any. I don't think this a common occurrence.

Hope this helps.

Guest 26-Jan-2006 07:47
Dear Marq:

You have a pretty good collection of the painted ladies. Where and when did you take these shots, may I ask? My name is Tien. Please reply also to my email address, which is Many thanks.
mschance07-Jan-2006 08:45
Hi Alex,

It looks like it would be for a good cause. Please feel free to use the photos. I would be interested in knowing more about your book.



Hi Morrell:
I was wondering if you would allow me to use some of your photos, I am a 4th. grader, and I am writing a book about Santa Fe's Dam environment.
By the way, your photos are great and cool!
Alex Cossio 06-Jan-2006 04:15
Hi Morrell:
I was wondering if you would allow me to use some of your photos, I am a 4th. grader, and I am writing a book about Santa Fe's Dam environment.
By the way, your photos are great and cool!
Peggy 20-Sep-2004 23:17
Hi Morrell:

I viewed the lotus photos - they are beautiful. I especially loved the Lotus flowers with the LA skyline. Thanks for sharing nature's beauty through your lenses.

Jeff Cochran11-Mar-2004 10:29
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)