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Mike Lempert | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Lance Patrick Anderson 13-Nov-2024 16:04
I am in search of someone who has the ability or can share knowledge on restoring a wooden steering wheel that seemingly belonged to a Shelby Cobra GT 500. I believe it is a NARDI and is stamped with "EFFPI" and "Patent Pend Made in Italy" on the rear of one of the forks (spoke).
Steve Scherner 28-Jun-2023 16:44
Hello Mike,
Are you selling any of your steering wheels ?

Thank you,

Robbert de vor 29-Nov-2021 19:18
Hello Mike, recently i purchased a 1600 MGA from 1960 and I am searching fot a good replica so i ended up at your site. There i saw a Original Segmented Rim with Mahogany. And it looks great!
Now the big questions are;
1. do you also send them off to the Netherlands (off al places)
2. Where do i look upto for such a steering wheel to have a indication.

Hope to hear from you.

Thank you.

Robbert de Vor
Frank 25-Apr-2021 15:28
Hi Mike, I’m looking for a teak steering wheel for my corvette. Do you have any currently in stock? If not what is the turnaround time if I sent you my original?
Laney Thornton 17-Apr-2021 23:16
I have a rare 1954 four seater Morgan drophead coupe and would like a 4 spoke period wood wheel. Ideally it might be a banjo style, but with an aluminum boss and an aluminum rim that the stainless steel spokes would connect into. (I like having wheel that as as light as possible.) Would you also be able to fabricate the dash board as well as i would like some fairly exotic wood to match. How long do your orders take to date to do these days and what price range might I expect. When is a good time we might discuss this?
David Cole 27-Oct-2020 11:11
Hi Mike
Do you have any information with regard to the button badge which came with a Derrington Steering wheel upon opting for one on a new Austin Healey 3000 please ?
Dean 22-Apr-2020 00:55
I’m interested in the TR4 wheel in your gallery. Is it available for sale? If so, can you provide details? Thanks.
William Schickling 24-Jan-2020 20:11

Would like to purchase a wooden steering wheel for a Bugeye sprite like the falcon one you show in the gallery

Thank you,

Bill Schickling
Rudy Werenfels 26-Nov-2018 16:14
Hi Mike, I own a rare Sunbeam Harrington Le Mans that originally had a Carlotti steering wheel. These break easily and are impossible to find nowadays. You seem to have a very similar wheel in stock, Les Leston Stirling Moss. I can send you pictures of a Carlotti installed in a different Harrington, and what is currently installed in my own Harrington. For this I need your regular email address. Perhaps we can make it fit with an appropriate hub etc. Thanks and regards Rudy, Switzerland.
Guest 10-Apr-2018 17:27

I am Marcos Oliveira from Portugal

Do you have any MGA steering wheel for sale?

Many thanks
kind regards
Marcos Oliveira
george Douglas 02-Oct-2017 14:52
Mike made a teak wheel for my 1965 corvette.... it was awesome.... !
Craig Gilbert 21-Aug-2017 02:54
Hi Mike - Interested in restoring the steering wheel for my 1968 E-Type. Or, maybe purchasing a Coventry Timber Bending type rim but need more info. Please email with contact information. Thanks.
Gregory Guillaume 04-Jun-2017 16:40
Hello Mike,

I stumbled upon your website by chance, great stuff!
I have an Austin Healey 3000 Mk1 which came with a 15” Moto Lita Steering wheel.
I would be interested in replacing it with a 16” looking like the early style segmented rim 100S steering wheel. Would this be possible, and how would we proceed?
I have always preferred larger diameter steering wheels on old cars, and it would be nice to actually be able to see the gauges!

Thanks in advance.
Best regards

Gregory Guillaume
Brett 01-Jun-2017 17:41
Hi Mike, I'd like to get a price on a wheel. Please email me so we can discuss further. Thanks, Brett
george Douglas 26-May-2017 16:19
hello.... wondering if you had a light colored teak steering wheel for 1965 corvette ???
Bob 15-Dec-2016 23:01
Hm...........what do you have for a MGA ? Those are very,very cool ! One of those would feel real good in my hands:)
David 02-Dec-2016 12:41


I'd like to talk to you about restoration of a 1964 Jaguar XKE steering wheel. Would you kindly send me your contact information. Thanks.

Guest 27-Oct-2016 22:58
Hi Mike- I am looking for an early TVR (Griffith) steering wheel. Do you currently have any?
Guest 24-Sep-2016 22:18
Hi Mike. Looking for an original teakwood steering wheel for a '65 Corvette. Do you have one for sale?
Guest 20-Jul-2016 20:18
I have a 1964 Austin Healey 3000 Mark III Phase 2 and would like to order a wood steering wheel for the vehicle. We just finished a complete Concours level restoration of the vehicle and what to make sure that the steering wheel I order meets Concours guidelines. What would you suggest and what do I need to get the process started?
Joel Strimban
Atlanta, GA
Enrico Rondinelli 08-Jun-2016 06:15
Good morning, I saw your beautiful G.Giunta replica steering wheel. Is it for sale? I am interested. Thanks,
Enrico Rondinelli
Sean Sandoe 08-Sep-2015 02:58
Hi Mike
I am looking for a boss to fit a five hole Les Leston wheel to a Mk 1 sprite. Can you help?
Thanks Sean
Bill Putnam 14-Jul-2015 02:44
Mike: Sometime back I purchased a 100S wheel from you ( It's pictured in your gallery ). It has all by it self developed a few minor scratches on the metal surfaces. I was wondering what I might use to rub them out. when I received it, it was in perfect condition and I'm sure I don't know how the scratches got there I've only had it off 5 times since I installed it. Please advise. Bill Putnam, Walnut Creek California. PS: Please don't hold it ageist me because I'm from California. Thanks Bill
tyler phillips 15-Feb-2015 01:15
Mike, I need a Derrington wheel of solid color, mahogany or walnut, for my Morgan Plus 4 Coupe. How should it be attached? Originally had a large polished chrome nut in the center holding it in place.
Are you located in FL...I'm there next month and might be free to stop by to describe the need more fully than in a email.
What is the conventional cost for a 16" wheel?
Jeff Saccullo 29-Dec-2014 04:39
Looking to have a porsche 356 Carrera wheel made. I have a good clean 356 C wheel for the doner. I have a current Carrera wheel made by mr Crawford how would yours be different than his? Build time frame and of course cost. One extra thought I was kicking around the idea of reversing the wood on the wheel red line black outer and a blond rib at 12 o'clock. Any thoughts?
Stefan Müller 16-Oct-2014 06:23
Hallo Mike,
my name is Stefan.
I am very interestet in your Miura Wood Seering Wheel.
What would be the price for it?
Best regards from germany,
Stefan Müller
Hein 24-Jun-2014 19:17

Can you make me a steering wheel for a Maserati 3500 GT from 1960 ? I have the hub only.


Karel A. Deppe 09-May-2014 10:26
Hello Mike,
I am the proud and happy owner of a Jaguar MK2 from 1962.
A former owner has fitted the car with a 15" MotoLita wheel. The 15" makes the original unassisted steering very heavy. Can you quote a 17" Derrington style wheel ?
Best regards from Holland
Shafferelli 27-Apr-2014 16:40
Hi Mike, My name is Mark, I live in Seattle. I have what I believe is a vintage Darrington wood steering wheel.

If I send a photo, could you help identify? It is very lightweight, small hub with nine holes.

Please let me know. Thanks, - Mark
francesco stevanin 01-Dec-2013 22:25
Hi Mike,
I am looking for a steering hub for my TVR Grantura Mk2A.
Steering wheel 6 holes pattern 3.5" as the design as yours Griffith 200 steering wheel. Steering wheel spline is like Mini mk1 and Mga i.e. 3/4" 48 splines.
Is there any chance you to help me?

Fred 12-Oct-2013 20:34
Hello, I'm interested in the Triumph TR4 wood wheel listed here. Please contact me at Thank you. Best regards
Wulf Goetze 23-Sep-2013 07:58
Hi Mike, I am building a Austin Healey 100S and the Car is Ready for completing but i do miss a the proper
steering wheel.Is it possible to order one with the following Specification: original bezech Wood rim,Wood secured with 6 rivets,rivets for fixing to the Darrington boss,and smaller then 16" (15" possible?)
Kind regards
Wulf Goetze
Steve Briscoe 16-Sep-2013 06:21
Mike, I'm interested in your 13.5 Les Leston wheel. Do you accept PayPal? If so I would like to purchase the wheel. Please let me know. Briscoe
Bob Wade 11-May-2013 19:42
I need a 100M wheel. It is unclear if you sell same. If so, what is their diameter?
Mike01-Apr-2013 19:26
Can you please help me with a custom wood steering wheel?
Robin Bark 08-Jan-2013 17:38
I'm a car sculptor (and painter) and I've just been around around your website. A wonderful trip. What beautiful wheels (among other beautiful things! Take a look at my website
Tim Pederson 28-Nov-2012 21:29
I need to restore a 15 inch steering wheel for a 1965 Honda S600. Its cast aluminum whith a wooden rim. The wood has delaminated and needs to be replaced. Contact me please if you could do the job.
Dorian 26-Aug-2012 02:24
I just wanted to tell you how great your photos are. I have an SLR and I have been adapting old vintage lenses to it and I am very impressed with the results. Glad I found your site. Going to go looking for a Jupiter lens.
dominique dewasnes 04-Jun-2012 14:03
hello Mike
are the 4 seats and 2 seats hard top the same except the locating J
Looking for an BN7 hard top
dominique from France
Mark21-May-2012 17:52
I cannot find a means to order from you on your steering wheel pages. I am seeking a wood wheel for a 1967 Austin Healey 3000.
Thomas 26-Jan-2012 13:38
Hello Mike,
Hans from ItalParts directed me to you to help with a special project that we are doing. A one of a kind PininFarina 6c2500 Alfa Romeo Cabriolet (the prototype to the SS models.
We are trying to track down someone that can recreate the original steering wheel from the photos that we have. Please contact me via email @
david fishel 24-Jan-2012 19:38
I have a Les Leston steering wheel. It is as new. Was part of a "thank you" plaque given to the now deceased host of a Ferrari Club of America gathering in May of 1965 or 1966 (I cannot remember which - I was a kid and thought I'd died and gone to heaven!) The wheel is wood, very light aluminum, and engine turned Would you like a picture? I'm thinking of selling it along with a '70's vintage Nardi wood wheel.

thank you,
Neil Mcgurk 06-Jan-2012 09:34
Hi Mike,

First of all would just like to say what a great site! I am a big MGA fanatic, with four at the moment. I am a real pedantic so I absolutely love the original wheel study. I have been planning for several years to put one of your wheels on my concours project. However, I have just acquired what I believe to be an original virtually as new and unrestored mahogany wheel.

I would very much appreciate your opinion. There are a couple of things that I didn't see any reference to (or I just missed) in the study. the wheel I received has MG/A stamped on the rear of the boss and the initials T.C.S are stamped into the mahogany in one of the rear indents.

I am very happy to supply some high res. images if you like. Although the wheel is in exceptional condition on close examination there is some slight crazing to the lacquer inside front surface of the wood and a crack across one of the rear wood segments. I would also very much like to discuss if and how this should be rectified.

Many thanks,

mike ryan 04-Jan-2012 23:33
Hi mike
got a tip from a guy over in the U.K and said i should check with you for a boss that will fit a wood Vilem B. Haan 15" steering wheel for a porsche 356A...Any help would be great


angelo 09-Nov-2011 17:24
hello i have a woodrim/alloy threespoke steeringwheel made by chauffeur . i am looking for info about it ,(the only info i have is that it came from a sprite mk1) maybe you can help me

regards angelo
Roger Burrill 18-Oct-2011 16:02
I am looking for a wood steering wheel (stock not needed)and adaptor installation kit for a 1966 Sunbeam Tiger. What do you have?
Ron 30-Aug-2011 15:55

I've been trying to get in touch with your Brother Dan to find out if he is still accepting orders for the 3.54:1 ring and pinion gear set. Doesn't answer emails. Can you tell me if he is still accepting orders. I have order one set and want to order another set for a friend of min.
R. Mitchell
Goodrich, MI
Claudio 25-Jul-2011 18:05
Ciao Mike,I would like to know if the steering wheel for my sprite is in progress and when you think it will be finished. Thank you and best regard. Claudiocc
Robin De Pry 04-Jul-2011 07:36
Mike, I have an original Carrera 2 wheel that was involved in an accident and it cracked one section of wood on each side around the vertical spokes. Can you repair it by replacing only the damaged areas and leaving it with mostly original wood? Robin
raxan17-Apr-2011 20:56
Dear Mr. Lempert, how may I purchase the bug eye sprite lemans wheel? Sincerely,
Rudy Geijsels 11-Mar-2011 15:37
Dear Mike,

I would like to know more about the steering wheels of Ferrari era 1957. Those have a diameter of 410 mm isn't it? Do you have those in stock, the ones with the revits included? Thanks in advance for your reaction. You make a beautifull job witnessing all your pictures. Perfetto! Best regards, Rudy Geijsels.
robert mesa 28-Feb-2011 03:08
Hi Mike,

I'm from the Philippines. I was wondering how much it would cost to refurbish my 911 wood steering wheel. Do you need pictures of it? thanks

robert mesa
JL 28-Jan-2011 20:54
Hi Mike, I have Derrington Steering wheel and my question is similar to previous post from Snitzel Bros. How do I confirm it is genuine with so many good reproduction versions on the market. I took it off my 59 Porsche 356A (originally owned by famous record producer Mickie Most of RAK records in London). I believe it is original and it certainly looks it as I have no reason to doubt it but I'd like to be as certain as I can be. I intend to part company with it but I firstly need to know if it is genuine and if so expectations on value. Any information greatly appreciated. Many Thanks, John
Snitzel Brothers 13-Jan-2011 19:23
Hi Mike

Is there anyway to tell if a wheel is truly a Derrington wheel? Any markings or part numbers? I have a wheel that looks like them but seems to be an odd fit perhaps. Please email me if you have a chance. Thanks
Don Paye 09-Nov-2010 14:24
Hi Mike... A number of AH members in the New England chapter of AHCA are interested in purchasing 3:54 ring and pinion sets. Do you still offer these for sale and if not how many sets do you need guranteed for an order? I realize you may have had problems in getting final payment in the past but we would be interested in paying up front into an escoll account or some other means to provide assurance to both you and the buyers. Thank you in advance for your response. Don Paye
FocusingOnWildlife.com24-Oct-2010 12:55
superb images, will check your site on regular basis.
Mark Wicks 13-Oct-2010 07:19
Dear Mike,

I am very interested in getting a price for a 100S Beach wood 6 rivet wheel with your collet type boss. Can you supply them with "patina" ? could you please quote including PP to France.

Kind regards
Mark Wicks
Miguel 03-Sep-2010 02:32
Hey Mike, Did you sell your MG Midget? I came across anold posting and wondered if it is still available. Please let me know. Thanks Miguel
Bob Agar 30-Aug-2010 19:19
Am in need of the centerpiece for a Les Leston wheel model LL-4 as pictured in your inventory as pict. 8353. Wheel is currently mounted in a 1957 MGA 1500 Coupe and is in excellent condition but lacking the center/"horn push" motif.
Junichi Ueno 20-Jul-2010 23:54
I'm interested in Porsche Carrera 2 Teak Steering Wheel in your site.
May I order you to make it for my 356SC coupe.
If possible, let me know about cost.
I will send original ebonite steering wheel.
Joe Fabregas 22-Jun-2010 21:33
Hi, I need a steering wheel for my 1962 Austin Healy Mark II. Do you have any in stock?

Please email me or give me a call...9492945384

Kevin Arms 24-Apr-2010 15:58
I have 1964 Porsche 356 with the original wheel. I think it's about 16.25 in. or so. Do you had wood for it and at what price. Can I do the installaton myself or is it sent in to you? I probably should read the whole site before I wrote this to you. Any choice in color of wood? What's the cost?
Bernd Schinnerling 11-Mar-2010 13:11
Hello, I'm looking for a 'Derrington Style Spoke' 14,5" for my Bugeye. Please send me an offer.
Kind regards, Bernd
Dyrk 06-Mar-2010 15:30
I am looking for a hardtop to fit a 1962 Austin Healey 2-seater BN7.
Do you have one for sale or can you advise where to find?
Yiorgos Karageorgos 06-Feb-2010 16:37
I am looking for a steering wheel for my 1962 austin mini & congratulation for your site.A really good guide for South Carolina(!)
LOTHMANN 25-Jan-2010 14:53

i woulde like for my lotus seven 1967
a steering wheel formula junior red

Can you help me

Best regards

T. Jones 11-Jan-2010 11:49
I am interested in purchasing differental gear set for my BJ7 (3.54:1). Are you still providing the gear set? If so how much and what is the lead time for delivery? If you are no longer supplying the gear set can you provide me with your supplier? I live in Spartanburg, SC and often travel to the Charleston, SC area...
Bob Gunther 21-Nov-2009 17:50
Check out my collection, Rolls Royce, Triumphs and Fiats. Just added a midget, doing a chrome bumper conversion.
Marc 09-Nov-2009 21:52
Hi Mike,

Heck of a collection you've accumulated! I bought my wife a '68 MGB from an estate sale, and it has a nice teak wheel, one with chrome spokes & chrome center cap, but nothing truly standout. I was thinking about either a stock "banjo" wheel or a Les Leston. (I've been learning as much as I can in these 3 short weeks.) Do you have any of either style? I'm thinking the LL would be better because of its diameter. Any help or assistance would be appreciated from this Chicago boy!
Bob 14-Oct-2009 03:28
Mike, please get in touch with me.
mdewilde08-Oct-2009 05:59
Hi Mike,
Do you have the 3.54:1 ring and pinion for the Big Healey available?
Thomas Griffith 12-Sep-2009 00:37
Hello Mike

Help Mr Wizard I have 66 Tiger wheel that need some help after seeing your photos your the man! I am ready to ship the wheel to restore can you help me out? Thanks for your time.
Guest 27-Jul-2009 02:33
I hope this is the proper place to inquire about the Morgan +4 special Bluemels And also might aswell kick around the TOK258 replica. I'm interested to know your prices. Thank you, Art Langell
andrew Brims 25-Jun-2009 04:22
Hi Mike,
Do you have the 3.54:1 ring and pinion for the Big Healey available?
Regards, Andy.
Craig Bolton 22-Jun-2009 23:12
Drop me an email to this address, please, Mike!
matt solomon 08-Jun-2009 03:24
would like information on having you restore a wooden 911 steering wheel (like pictured in your gallery). i have the wheel, but i'm missing the horn button and wings.
harold 04-May-2009 13:26
Would like to buy a 3.55 ring pinion set

thanks, harold
RICK PATTERSON 26-Apr-2009 20:57
Jeff Gleason 23-Apr-2009 01:19
Hello Mike,
I have a Nardi Steering wheel and the wood is rotted. Do you re-wood steering wheels?about how much?
Thank You, Jeff
stuart field 26-Mar-2009 02:06
hi mike--my name is stuart field and i live in bethlehem pensylvannia--i have a 62 austin healey bt7 i am having restored--would be interested in veiwing color photo restoration photos of your bt7 and getting together with you to veiw your car
Alexander 25-Mar-2009 16:20
hello mike
your collection is awsome
i hope you can help me on a steering wheel
i have a Chrysler Windsor 1954 Deluxe and
the steering wheel it has is in bad condition
where can a restore it or have a replica made.

best regards, orozco jr

my email is
Hugh Munro 18-Feb-2009 01:55
Mike - I see you have a nice looking wheel for a Triumph TR4 on your site. I'm restoring a '68 TR250 and am looking for a distinctive wheel. Would that one fit - and is it available for sale? Do you have anything else in your inventory I should know about?


Hugh Munro
Rob Pinchbeck 13-Feb-2009 17:38
Mie - Fantastic MGA wheels and bosses - where and how can they be bought please?
Guest 28-Oct-2008 19:23
hi Mike,
great collections! I have a question: how can I bolt an old wooden Jag or MGB steering wheel onto a 85 VW Golf? will an adapter from MOMO or Nardi work?
my email is:
thank you for your time
Michael Fisher 09-Oct-2008 13:17
Hi Mike,
I have seen your site and your wheels look great. I have just been given a wheel by one of my customers, He said it is from a D type jaguar he has had it for over 40 years, have you any idea of a value? it is the same as the one on your site and also has it`s boss.
Cheers Michael
DDick 13-Sep-2008 22:41
Your engraving job on the Ferrari Steering wheel can be done on a CNC Machining Center
There are a lot of machines out there I have done that kind of work on my Haas machining
centers it goes real fast to do that job by hand would take forever. I saw your post on
Engravers Cafe. You can also make a new steering wheel from aluminum on the Haas.
You wil have to remove all of the old engraving from the wheel because you could never
relocate all of those wavy lines to engrave over them.
Guest 15-Aug-2008 13:20
I have a 15" les leston steering wheel, wooden with dimples on the back what car would it have come out of and do you have any ideas on selling it. thanks
Nathan 19-Jul-2008 03:32
Mr. Lempert,
I have an AH 100-6 and am curious about the choice of wood steering wheel replacements. Is it all personal preference or is there a generally more revered hierarchy. For example, is a Les Leston more or less valuable than a motolita? Vintage vs. reproduction, drilled vs. slotted? Would you even put a Les Leston on a Healey or is it more commonly seen on other models? I would appreciate your tutelage. NL
Guest 30-Jun-2008 16:59

It's me, Ron, Again. Send me an email to reconnect and catch up. It's
FrontrowBilly 12-Jun-2008 00:22
I know this is an old posting, but I am looking for an MG center piece and horn button for a Les Leston. Does anyone know how to contact Mike Nordquist? Bill Sargent
Mick Nordquist 17-Mar-2008 18:07
HI Mike, You made a beautiful steering wheel for my Austin Healey BJ8 maybe one to two years ago. I have a Les Leston wheel with everyhing except the plastic center piece (horn button?) Actually, it came with an MG center piece which is 3'' in diameter and may have functioned one time as a horn button, but I would like one with the Austin Healey logo. Can you help me? Mick Nordquist
Guest 20-Jun-2007 11:32
Pure talent.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:52
Tears to my eyes...almost.
Joe 07-Dec-2006 09:25
Hi Mike!

I have a Les Leston (by Walsall Wheels Ltd England) like your restoration project "LL1". Mine is in a very good condition and needs only a "light" restoration. Unfortunately I sold the Mini, so I would like to sell it to somebody who can appreciate it. I am also interested in the 100/M wheel on your website. If you are interested please send me an email to Thanx
Wolfgang Eisenberg 11-Oct-2006 15:00
Hi, Please contact me, I will send some pictures from Aston Martin wooden steering wheel, thanx and greeting
Wolfgang from Germany
Doug 28-Sep-2006 13:56
Hello, I hope you get this in time. There is a Derington wheel on e bay. I would like to buy this item and ship it to you for polish and modify for my Austin Healey 3000w/ adj steering. Reagrds, Doug
David Aames 04-Sep-2006 23:30
Mr. Lempert is the Mustang Fastback still for sale....If it is please email me at and we can talk....
Henning Thomsen 23-Jun-2006 13:22
I love your steering wheels.
I own a Porsche 356 Speedster, an early all aluminium Healey 100, plus other Austin Healey 3000 and MGA and also a XK120 OTS
Any chance you can make some wheels for me?
Guest 11-Apr-2006 02:27
Great photos! I will be back for more.
Andrew Frink 22-Mar-2006 16:11
I'm also interested in the Sprite LeMans wheel when you get to the point of making them. When you have the specs (diameter, price, etc), could you email me? Thanks.
Tom Knox 11-Mar-2006 16:47
I'm a mustang guy who works with Jerry Francis. What are you wanting for the 67 fastback?
Tom Knox
Tom Carson 10-Mar-2006 16:24

I want a price from you to make me a 16" flat, 3-spoke wheel on a Nardi pattern. The bottom spoke straight down, the other two horizontal, no slots in the spokes. Brazilian Cherry, Honey Golden Mahogany, or Rosewood. Does the price change between polished alloy and black anodized? How much additional for an inlay around the outside perimeter?

Aimed for my 1970 XJ6:

Take care,

Tom Carson
Juneau, Alaska
Restored Nardi wheel (from you before you started making wheels) in a 1982 BMW 525 euro
Jatoba Nardi wheel in a 1988 325iX (on your site)
Jack Laird 05-Jan-2006 15:33
Hi Mike, when you get around to makeing Sprite LeMans steering wheels please send me an email. Think that is just the ticket, I have been looking all over for one like is in the Horler book.
Mike Grunsten 31-Dec-2005 23:28

I also have a 69 Series II FHC (Since 1976). About to start full restoration. Your pictures are truly an inspiration and will serve as my guide.

Congratulations and thanks for posting.

Mike Grunsten
El Paso, Texas
Wolfgang Eisenberg 28-Dec-2005 11:33
Hi, Mike, I have a steering wheel 43cm Diameter, this steering wheel is backside on the middlspoke stamped with "Walsall manufactured wheels", is this an old Les Leston steering
wheel, the wheel is in good condition, thanks for answer, and a happy new year.
regards Wolfgang from Germany
I hope you understand my english, you can see the wheel by Ebay-my Ebayname is nardifan,
the Ebayitemnumber is: 8025416195
Ron Hudgens 23-Dec-2005 12:36

It's me again. Hope all is happy and healthy with you and your family during this holiday season. Enjoy and Be Well!

lana 16-Nov-2005 04:02
i came across your site while i'm browsing for a porsche 356 intermeccanica replica.
great site, great pictures, great cars, & great family.
i also have an e-type and a mg midget.
what a great job you've done with those steering wheel.
best regards from indonesia & keep up the good work
Pasquale Orrino 17-Jun-2005 06:01

Although we have never met, Gert gave me the information to contact you. I have been an advent (OK crazy) British car nut for many years on the side. Have been involved in restorations for over 16 years.

When Gert first emailed me you website, I got right down to business and looked at two steering wheels I need to have you quote and give me a lead time on. Then I started looking through your site. How very nice. A beautiful place and same for applies to your family. How refreshing it is to see a man that knows his priorities. All the other rest is just a bonus that comes from putting family first.

I wished I had known you earlier when you took your trip to Washington State. I live just south of Seattle near the Narrows Bridge in University Place Washington. That certainly was the trip of the lifetime with your son. The best grad gift possible.

I hope to get the chance to meet you and your family someday. Please look me and our family up if your up this way again.

John Edwards 23-May-2005 18:00
Hope all is well with you and your family. Spoke with Lou Monaco today and he told me about your business and web site. Stay Well
John Edwards
jonas 24-Sep-2004 21:46
Just happened upon your have a beautiful family
I googled surfing in SC and your gallery came up...I noticed in one picture that says IOP beach..there is a perfect wave in the background...where is IOP?
My family is looking for a getaway place from Los Angeles
Jeff Cochran15-Mar-2004 05:37
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
John Soderling 13-Mar-2004 04:14
Great site and pictures. What a find the NOS steering wheels are - beautiful wheels.
Vrooom vrooom,
John Soderling
100-Six Erika the Red
Lizardo 14-Nov-2003 02:46
Did you sell the 1970 red XKE coupe you listed on eBay?
Henry 14-Nov-2002 21:43
whoa! The house looks great! I hope that you and your family only create more wonderful memories and pictures in times to come.
PS Do I get my own parking spot in the garage? (what? I got a british car!)
Rosanne & Greg 26-Aug-2002 23:34
Heather and Mike,

House is gorgeous! Can't wait to see you!
Debby 25-Jul-2002 20:14
LOVED the pictures! What a gorgeous house! I had to laugh at the "coffee break"
picture (one of the 1st 10 or so pictures) because it looks like a picture of a
road crew in New Jersey WORKING!!!!!

Dwight and Bobbie 22-Jul-2002 22:53
hi.....we emailed you a while back about the Googe house we are planning to build in Rivertowne CC. Unfortunately, we haven't sold our house in Atlanta yet ( a real slow market). We spend lots of time in Charleston looking at our lot and doing a lot of wishing. We have had the preliminary discussions with Hilton and are so ready to start this project. Hilton gave us a list of preferred builders and Flanders is one of them. Our question that you have completed your project, how satisfied are you with him. By the way, we drove by your house last month....very nice. We were surprised that it was not completed. We have been told that our house would be finished in about 7 that unrealistic? We want to bid out to several builders and are considering Flanders...please share your thoughts. Thanks. Bobbie and Dwight
Donna Z. 31-Mar-2002 17:32
Love the pictures!!!! They are so cute. Sarah is beautiful. Thanks much for everything. You and Heather are the best!!! Thanks again Donna.
Jennifer and Paul 15-Mar-2002 19:29
Hey Mike and Heather,
I love all the pictures. Y'all did a great job documenting the house. I can't wait to see more! See you soon. Jennifer
Noelle 25-Jan-2002 23:53
Mr. Lempert,

The pictures are great!! I love the ones that were creative those looked really good. Sorry i didn't sign the book last time, I totally forgot. Thanks for telling me the sight,i'll be sure to come on often to check out the new pics so keep them rolling in. I hope to see you ALL soon!
(Noodle, He He He )
Ron Hudgens 21-Dec-2001 22:25

Great group of Pics... all the best to you in your new home down south.
Wish I still worked for you in Bell Labs (Murray Hill) but TIMES MUST CHANGE!!
Later. All the best and Merry Xmas
Danny 05-Dec-2001 00:03
Great pictures Uncle Mike. I'll be checking your photo album to see how the house is coming along!
Linda 11-Nov-2001 04:10
Distinquished - not old. Great pictures! Do you think we could get some music to go with them. I'll take any of the Austin Healy "B" cars, although I'm partial to blue and green.