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Snow & Spire:
Flights to Winter in the North Cascade Range


Comprehensive Gallery Satellite View

These galleries contain aerial photographs of the Cascade Range in Washington,
the Coast and Columbia Mountains of British Columbia, and the Canadian Rockies.
Also included are galleries containing images of many mountains and glaciers in
Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and California.
The images are selected from a collection that currently contains approximately 200,000 digital images.
The photographic platform is my Van's RV-6 home-built airplane -
All photography is conducted through the 1/4" plexiglas canopy.
I am currently using a Canon 5DMkIV 31 MP digital SLR camera.
I previously used other Canon cameras as well: G2 (4 MP), G6 (7 MP), 400D SLR (10 MP),
450D (12 MP), 5DmkII (21 MP), and 5DMkIII (22 mp).

To see a list of all galleries & sub-galleries, click HERE.

For an account of a photographic flight, I invite you to read the article I wrote for
Northwest Mountaineering Journal, Issue 2 (2005): Flight to Desolation

John Scurlock, Photographer & Pilot
Concrete, Washington

Image usage rights and full-resolution prints are available by request.
Prints are available in a wide variety of sizes and formats.


Or visit my website:

January 1, 2023



All Images Copyright 2002/2025, John Scurlock, Photographer & Pilot.

In Box
<< In Box >>
The Monochromatic Mountain
<< The Monochromatic Mountain >>
Mt. Waddington
<< Mt. Waddington >>
 North Cascades ::  Winter
<<  North Cascades :: Winter >>
Coast Mountains:  British Columbia
<< Coast Mountains: British Columbia >>
The Canadian Rockies
<< The Canadian Rockies >>
Columbia Mountains
<< Columbia Mountains >>
The Purcells
<< The Purcells >>
 The Bugaboos
<<  The Bugaboos >>
Conrad Kain's First Ascents
<< Conrad Kain's First Ascents >>
The  Pasayten Wilderness
<< The Pasayten Wilderness >>
 Chelan/Sawtooth Mountains
<<  Chelan/Sawtooth Mountains >>
 Winter Fire Lookouts of the Northern Cascades
<<  Winter Fire Lookouts of the Northern Cascades >>
The North Cascades: Spring/Summer/Fall
<< The North Cascades: Spring/Summer/Fall >>
Glaciers of the North Cascades
<< Glaciers of the North Cascades >>
Glaciers Of Olympic National Park
<< Glaciers Of Olympic National Park >>
Glaciers & Mountains Of Southern Washington,    Oregon, & Northern California
<< Glaciers & Mountains Of Southern Washington, Oregon, & Northern California >>
Glaciers Of Colorado, Idaho, Montana,  & Wyoming
<< Glaciers Of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, & Wyoming >>
Glaciers Of The Western United States
<< Glaciers Of The Western United States >>
Mount Baker
<< Mount Baker >>
Glacier Peak
<< Glacier Peak >>
The Central & North Central Cascades
<< The Central & North Central Cascades >>
Mt. St. Helens
<< Mt. St. Helens >>
Travels In Wild Places
<< Travels In Wild Places >>
<< links >>
Jagged Ridge Imaging
<< Jagged Ridge Imaging >>
Mt. Rainier
<< Mt. Rainier >>
Friends & People
<< Friends & People >>
<< Civilization >>
Old Postcards
<< Old Postcards >>
 Friends of Mebee Pass Lookout
<<  Friends of Mebee Pass Lookout >>
Volcanoes Of Western North America
<< Volcanoes Of Western North America >>
Mountains & Glaciers Of The Olympics
<< Mountains & Glaciers Of The Olympics >>