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Roxy 31-Oct-2004 16:58

I was looking through your pictures & saw the ones you took from the London premiere of Spider-Man 2. I run a Tobey Maguire fan site & was wondering if I could use some of thoes pictures? Full credit will be given. :)

Guest 22-Oct-2003 08:21
welcome to my web
Aunt Pat 14-Sep-2003 16:47
Dear Nikki and Rob,
Happy to see you are making the most of your stay in Europe--that is the best way to see
it the way your doing it.Will you try to visit Spain and Portugal @ some point? Would love
to go there some day.We really enjoy looking at the sites as you've seen them-makes us feel a little connected with your travellin. Looking forward to seeing more. We are all
fine here and busy with plans to build our new camp.

Take care and hope to see you both over the coming holidays,
Love as always,
Aunt Pat, Uncle Walter, Greg, Rachel, and Andrew.
Gloria 08-Apr-2003 23:29
Greetings, Nikki and Rob:

Glad to see you are both enjoying Europe. Love all the photos, you posted. Rolly gave me your web site. Keep the photos coming, Ah to be young again and be able to do what you are doing would be awesome. Enjoy yourselves.

Joanie b 01-Mar-2003 20:00
Nikki and Rob
Great photos of Ireland, Nikki you fit right in, you look like an Irish Colleen!!!!!!
joanie b.
Tara 28-Feb-2003 21:06
Nice pics! It was great to have you both here, thanks for the aunt jemima!! Can't wait to see you again, but I was sad there there weren't any pictures of Max! You know how much you both love him! See you soon!
love Tara
Jenn 28-Feb-2003 14:06
I finally had the chance to look through all the pictures of your travels, I love the Abbey Road photo.
Sara 12-Feb-2003 18:26
You two are living the good life! Keep those pictures coming!
Guest 14-Jan-2003 09:56
Nik -- looking at all those paintings from Paris reminded me of our trip to the National Gallery in Ottawa together. I am sure there is no one who would have enjoyed your trip more. I am so glad that you had the chance to see the works that have always meant so much to you. xo kate
David 07-Jan-2003 16:22
Beautiful Pictures, Nikki! I love the fact that Blind River is only a few clicks away from Paris!
I hosted a fondue on New Year's Eve -- not Paris but we had fun.
I started to take down my Xmas decorations -- now it's two months of greyness and waking up before the sun does.
Tanya 06-Jan-2003 16:01
Hello Rob and Nikki
I love looking at your pictures and chatting with you on MSN. It look's like you are having an excellent time. Can't wait to see you this summer Nikki !!!!!!! Take care and talk to you both soon :-)

Katie 27-Oct-2002 05:28
Looks like you guys are having quite an adventure. The weirdest thing for me to see in your pictures are all those white faces in the crowds of people -- and to imagine that they all seak english too!!! WOW!! I am afraid that I may be in for quite the reverse-culture shock when I go home!! I wish that you guys could post some brief explanation of the places; I think we all have SOME knowlege of European History so even some dates would help me figure these places out on a time line. Anyway... enjoy, cherish, and continue exploring (and taking pics of course). Love Kate
Elissa 26-Oct-2002 21:50
Hey its Elissa.. Nicki and Rob, i really like that you guys have put together a web site. The pictures are very nice. Hope all is well and Nicki i will talk to you soon
Suzie 06-Oct-2002 21:23

love looking at your pic's
glad to see your having a good time,

Love Suzie