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Profile for Lina Jang
Name Lina Jang (joined 08-Apr-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username photolina
Personal URL
Location New York, NY
New York, NY
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Message from Lina Jang
Lina Jang Photography is a boutique wedding studio based in NYC. The team of photojournalists appreciate the enormity of the wedding commitment and the importance of capturing all of the special moments. The studio’s editorial style caters to clients that prefer a more unobtrusive and journalistic approach to wedding photography but yet would still like some romantic and elegant portraiture. On the special day, our photographers work tirelessly to make a complete record of the unfolding events. We are always discrete and never interrupt the natural flow of the drama. The beautiful details of flowers and gowns, the intimate glances between bride and groom, and the many joyous and poignant emotions that abound are all carefully framed and documented. Our lighting and exposure techniques combined with our camera lenses and equipment allows us to use natural or diffused lighting to capture our images. We incorporate fine art photography into creating images full of rich saturated color, energy and motion. Lina Jang Photography Studio has been honored with awards of excellence from the Wedding Photojournalists Association as well as the Artistic Guild of Wedding Photographers. The studios’ work has also been published and featured in New York Weddings, Life & Style Weekly, TheKnot magazine, Manhattan Bride, The New York Times, and The New York Post. Our photography has been featured on the NBC talkshow, “In the Loop with IVillage,” in their segment on weddings. The hit cable TV wedding show, “Who’s Wedding is it Anyway” has also featured the photography of our studio. Past clients include Ereka Ventrini, finalist of Donald Trump’s “Apprentice” show and NBC daytime talk show host; Debbye Turner, former Miss America and news correspondent for CBS news; and Keisha Monk, radio personality and DJ for Kiss FM. Our studio features the work of Julia Skya, Mary Maris, and Lina Jang. Our showroom office is located in the luxurious Silver Towers Building.
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