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Tom and Jennifer Polakis | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Grant 26-Feb-2020 18:36
Hi there,

I'm giving a talk on variable nebulae next month at the BAA in London and would like to show your animation of NGC2261 as an example of what can be achieved. It would be suitably credited to you. Would that be okay?

Kevin Kozel 02-Aug-2018 18:04
Hey Folks! You sure don't have many comments on your guestbook. Looks like I was the last one to post over a year ago. Do you check this page very often? Well, I'll seen you at the EVAC August 17 meeting scince it doesn't conflict with SAC's meeting this month. Later, KK
Kevin Kozel 04-Feb-2017 05:24
Hi Tom and Jen. I've been looking at your lunar, Saturn and Jupiter photos. I really like the time lapse shots of all three objects showing the changes over time. I read that you have used a 10" scope for a lot of the shots. I can't remember what cameras you've used, you told us at the SAC meetings. I only have a Canon Rebel that I use but it can do a lot that I have yet to figure out. I'll keep practicing with my meager setup and see what happens. I retire on March 10, so I'll have more time to stay up late and have fun.
I'm really thinking about joining EVAC also. Do you like that club? See ya next Friday. KK
Jim Cadien 06-Jan-2017 20:47
I have recently spoken with Sam Insansas of PAS. I probably will be moving to phoenix area soon, for health reasons, and my sons' desire not to have to drive 100's of miles to S. Az to see me(in hospital). I have been doing observing for ~10 yrs here in Oracle, Az. There is no place in phoenix area where I can do what I would like to do and still be within the desired distance from my sons. I would like to know if you know of anyone there that does remote observing on a regular basis. I would like to be able to set my system up in a good area, which is secure. I mostly have been doing drift scanning with my 10" Newt. I want to be able to observe whenever conditions are appropriate, not just when I can drive to a site and set up, align, etc, each time. Any info would be appreciated.
Jim Cadien
cafe18-May-2015 09:42
These are beautiful pics! I can't wait to see more ... thank you for sharing with me
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:48
I really enjoyed wandering through your galleries. Congratulations.
Irwin 29-Aug-2013 09:04
Dear polakis,
thank you for letting me enjoy more star refreshing to see more of the same :-)
You guys are awesome photographers,
best regards from Paris
Bob Guzauskas 04-Mar-2012 15:57
Eureka!! Here I have found a nugget.
Dirk Bontes 09-Nov-2011 20:34

I would like your permission to use one of your photos of the CHARA array for an astronomy article.

Dirk Bontes
David Frasier 29-Jan-2011 23:16
My name is David Frasier, I live in Thunderbird Farms, just outside of Maricopa Az. A couple years ago a friend and I happened upon your group off of Vekol rd. They were very friendly and let us look threw thier telescopes. I have been trying to find out if you guys have a regular time that you go out for your "Star Parties". You can contact me at, or call me at 1.602.686.2512. I love looking at the pictures you've taken on your pages here as well.. Thank you for your time
Elaine B. Osborne 02-Sep-2009 00:00
Jenny, thank you for taking those pictures of the Robert Burnham Jr. Memorial and posting them on this site. A long over due tribute to this man.
Looking forward to the day when your and Tom's travels venture our way.

Sandy Bumgarner 23-Apr-2009 16:41
Hi Tom & Jennifer,

May I use the Venus occultation images & video in my astronomy classes?

Sandy Bumgarner
Ben Nagorsen 31-Mar-2009 22:23

if Arizona wouldn't be so far away from Central Europe! Looking for images/reports about the Arizona Messier Marathon and inspired by Brian Skiff's reports about his glimpsing of M81 with the naked eye in superb 7.8 mountain skies: That made me come across your fine home page. In Germany you can't realistically get M74 and M30 in the same March night, but in Arizona ... I read the marathon-report of 2001 with so many successful participants - would really tempt me to participate.

The "US-eclipse" in 2017 unfortunately neither crosses Arizona nor is near the end of March. But perhaps I join the marathon one day.

Greetings from a dedicated long-time amateur astronomer

Munich, Germany
Elma Muratovic 29-Mar-2009 17:13
I accidently came across your site. I typed in Atlanta Aquarium into Google and discovered the true meaning of LIFE. All these wonderful photos and the memories that are behind each snap-shot must feel amazing. This is an excellent example of how beautiful life is. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your amazing journey through life.
Al Meloni 17-Jan-2009 14:29
Tom you provided information about Titan's Transit in Cloudy Nights that was very helpful. How do figure I can see it from New Jersey? Any help appreciated.
Guest 29-Feb-2008 19:38
As an amateur astronomer I must say: Superb photos!!!
Mike Polakis 07-Feb-2008 06:28
Hi, where did you get your name?
Tom Thompson 03-Dec-2007 00:38
Sunday night in Florida and I come across your website!!! Great photos! MCC/St. Jeans classmate, Tom Thompson
Guest 17-Nov-2007 21:26
Loved your images. Please submit next year.
Ben C. 04-Dec-2006 04:12
Tom, Glad to see you on the web. I heard about your server crash and was wondering if you have found a new home for the 'Sixth Catalog of Binaries' Excel worksheet? I was looking for the file and couldn't find on your other web page. It points to a 'edge on galaxy' page. If you need a place to host the file let me know. All the best. Ben C.
Steve Gifford 17-Jun-2006 12:33

I enjoyed your presentation at EVAC last night. Astrophotography is back, especially with the new digital cameras and let's not forget the new inexpensive astronomical CCD cameras on the market. You have some nice photos on your website!
Mike Mackowski 05-Feb-2006 03:14
Hi Tom,

Hey, heard you on Radio Free Phoenix! I was on last week! You may or may not remember me - aerospace engineer who hung out with EVAC for a while. I think we had you as a speaker for AIAA a few years back. I recorded the show and plan to listen later. Didn't know you were also a part time DJ! Cool!

Mike M
Guest 03-Dec-2005 17:42
Nice Photo`s and galleries... see my Big Dipper photo here..
Faith Jordan 25-Apr-2005 16:49

lovely photos, particularly the astronomy related ones (and especially the southern skies, reminding me of my Australian observing trip some years back). Interesting to see all the landscapes too, of places I'd like to visit but haven't yet!
scott 04-Oct-2004 21:37

Stopped by you site to see your pics from Namibia as per your post on SAA and ended up looking at several of your photos (Namibia and others).

I found the Namibia pics quite interesting. I have some friends from Kenya and South Africa, but haven't seen much from Namibia.

Thanks for sharing!

Cristian Peña 26-Aug-2004 15:51
Mr. Polakis, we found the beautiful image 'Star Trails over Las Campanas Domes" on your website:

We would like to request this image for the special project "Reading" by Kids Discover Magazine.

Can you please provide a contact information to send to you the request and give you more details about this project?

My tel: (212) 255-8100

Best regards,

Cristian Peña
Carousel research inc
Um... Me again 13-Aug-2004 00:54
Sorry, left a message and forgot to write something down... As you know this year I am a junior.. that means next year I will be a senior, which means very soon I will be graduating high school! And you know what the BEST graduation gift you could give to a non-blood related niece who enjoys photography as much as you is?! A digital-35mm camera like YOURS! =D Think of all the YEARS I have been there to annoy the heck out of you! From ages 1 to 16! C'mon, I really do think I deserve it! =D

J/K of course... ;)

Talk to you soon...

The SANDEN daughter 13-Aug-2004 00:47
Hey Tom!

I just wanted to say that I LOVE looking at your pictures, they are so beautiful! They really challenge me to expand on my photography... =) Keep taking them and putting them up so I can see the new ones!

See you soon hopefully!

Alexandre Viana Vieira e Silva 27-Jun-2004 08:19
Hello Tom Polakis,

I've viewed your photos on clouds section, really you have nice photos and the "Wave cloud display" is a fantastic view of an Altocumulus undulatus cloud, isn't it? I will always be acessing your site, will include a link to your site on mine and invite you to visit my website: Have fun watching the weather!
