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Shel Schipper's Recent Galleries

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28-Feb-2023 11:53
Other Artistic Endeavors
gallery: Other Artistic Endeavors
04-May-2014 21:46
gallery: Schipper
03-Mar-2013 19:55
RaiN DoG - a photo journal
gallery: RaiN DoG - a photo journal
10-Jun-2007 03:17
Andersons the Next Generation
gallery: Andersons the Next Generation
10-Jun-2007 03:03
Evelyn Grace Blackert Anderson
gallery: Evelyn Grace Blackert Anderson
30-Jan-2007 01:01
RaiN DoG - a photo journal 2002-2006+
gallery: RaiN DoG - a photo journal 2002-2006+
30-Jan-2007 00:52
Family Tree
gallery: Family Tree
29-Jan-2007 23:29
Our Dogs and Odd Assortment of Pets
gallery: Our Dogs and Odd Assortment of Pets
15-Mar-2006 00:21
Dazzling Digital Creations
gallery: Dazzling Digital Creations
16-Aug-2005 02:10
gallery: Fireworks
19-Sep-2004 20:05
When I was a Kid....
gallery: When I was a Kid....
09-Sep-2003 04:42
Marvelous Monarchs and other Butterfly Friends
gallery: Marvelous Monarchs and other Butterfly Friends