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Profile for ralph_s
Name ralph_s (joined 18-Feb-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username ralph_s
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View Galleries : ralph_s has 37 galleries and 1346 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 266286 times.

View Guestbook : 7 messages. Most recent on 15-Jul-2015.

Message from ralph_s
Comments and suggestions are welcome.

I have included a number of night photos, because I like the color of the "blue hour," which occurs around dusk.

Any transformations have been applied to entire photos, except for blacking out a scrape on one scanned slide, and some blurring for privacy. Transformations, in descending order, include some cropping; sharpening; merging of photos of the same scene, to reduce extreme contrast or to average colors; correction of gamma and contrast; and rarely, direct correction of colors.
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