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Rob T | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Millard Fillmore 06-Oct-2011 07:40
Very nice work!

James 17-Jul-2011 15:56
Hi Rob,

I met and spoke with you for a few minutes at Coppola's Rubicon Estate outside of Napa. I had the Canon 60D with 24-70 f/2.8 L lens. You asked me to follow up and share some of my pics. I've got a number uploaded to flickr. My URL is

It was nice meeting and speaking with you.

janauryb 28-Jun-2011 22:50
thanks man
DeeDee G.01-May-2011 00:14
Rash! Yes! I'm still here. How are you? Long time to hear from. Are you a civilian now?

I also started. at smugmug.

DeeDee G.
Leta 10-Dec-2008 08:09
Amazing photographs, especially enjoyed the military shots. My thanks goes out to you for giving years of your life to serve our country. It's good to know there's guys like you out there making it safe for our families.
Guest 17-Jun-2008 01:30
Nice pictures
Jim Nazzaro16-Mar-2008 17:03
Some super photography. You have a real talent keep it up. The shots from Iraq and Afganistan are outstanding. Thanks for your service and sacrifice. Believe it or nor many of us both recognize and appreciate what you give up for the rest of us.

Rhonda Paulson 08-Feb-2008 03:56
Beautiful pictures Rob!
Guest 13-Dec-2007 01:22
Love it --
Erick Frederickson 03-Oct-2007 19:34
Hey Rob!

Great photos! I hope all is going well for you.
Your Friend,
Erick Frederickson
(7 West)
Guest 15-Jun-2007 10:38
Very impressive.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 09:12
Nothing about great shots here.
Craig Olson 15-Dec-2006 15:21

Your photographs of the conflict in Iraq are some of the best I have been able to find on the web. I am putting together a website for parents of soldiers on active duty in Iraq and would like to use some of your photos. The URL will be Would you be willing to share some of your shots via this site with links to yours??

Good Luck and God Speed!!

Craig Olson
Guest 14-Dec-2006 18:08
Mark Reis 30-Nov-2006 14:24
Hi Rob,
Great photo's, I am doing a photo dvd tribute to US military and there families, I wrote a song called Our Sacrifice, need to know if possible to use one of your photo's, the jet and the soldiers. Please let me know.
Mark Reis
dyada 30-Nov-2006 12:12
Hi all! You hhave very GOOD guest book. Thx you!!!
Be Happy!
lesha 30-Nov-2006 06:54
Hi all! You hhave very GOOD guest book. Thx you!!!
Be Happy!
todd 14-Nov-2006 23:53
contact me @
Todd 14-Nov-2006 23:52
I noticed your photo of an F-18 from the 242 squadron. My grandfather was with the 242 in W.W.II.
Great photos
Contact me if you have a chance.
miki 17-Oct-2006 14:14
hello. veri nice page. good luck!
Reg Local 26-Sep-2006 15:01
Great site!
dave 16-Sep-2006 04:55
Really cool site.
Eva 14-Sep-2006 21:52
Nice site.
Mr. Mugan 05-Sep-2006 16:16
nices site magaga
Michelle 13-Aug-2006 08:31
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
Debra 10-Aug-2006 09:28
Excellent, love it!
Guest 29-Jul-2006 01:19
great site! 24-Jul-2006 19:21
Looked through your site. Good work! Ken.
Sharon 24-Jul-2006 06:55
Lovely site, I thoroughly enjoyed having a browse thru ALL your photo's and will definitely visit again! Sharon, in the UK 16-Jul-2006 04:40
Good site. Thanks!!! oreck vacuum cleaner
123 10-Jul-2006 08:45
Frank 05-Jul-2006 08:26
Very nice site!
Brian 03-Jul-2006 11:50
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it
Susan 02-Jul-2006 12:29
Very nice site!
Lynne 02-Jul-2006 05:07
Hi Rob,
I am not really sure who to turn to for this, I was wondering if you could help me. I am looking for a couple photos that are interesting of soldiers in Iraq. Iam an artist who worked for arlington faces of fallen project, I would now like to do some paintings for historical purposes.
In the past only top military men had portriats painted. paintings of civil war scenes from the perspective of artist are historically important. It is my goal to capture this moment in time.
Very few oil paintings from revelutionary war. Its a time honored tradition.
Your photography is fantastic , great eye! If you could help me find someone who has some interesting photos of events in Iraq a certian soldier in a reflective moment ect.. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Any sites where I could leave a message for photos ect. I am not looking to make any kind of statement, just capture some interesting moments on canvas.
Lynne OBrien
200 strops rd.
Waverly NY 14892>>
Barbara 01-Jul-2006 03:58
Enjoyed a lot!
Mrs Euphenia Yetigoose 30-May-2006 15:36
Great site - keep up the good work. 23-May-2006 15:30
Unbelievable! Liam O' Keefe
M C Spike 17-May-2006 05:40
Nice site. Would be better not to show email addresses published in the guestbook or they will be harvested for spam.
Jack 22-Apr-2006 13:43
Nice resources, indeed. 15-Apr-2006 12:45
Nice site !
Sedrik 15-Apr-2006 12:44
Excellent resource.
Richard Head 02-Mar-2006 04:35
Love the site!
Guest 10-Feb-2006 01:56
Hope you are well and safe -- I don't see any recent photos posted. I admire your gift and skill as a photographer, and love returning to your galleries to review my favorites. I admire your devotion to your military duties, but I'd feel better if your most dangerous adventure was your Sunday visit to the bocce ball court. ;-)
William Thompson 01-Jan-2006 00:05
Hello, my name is William E. Thompson and I was a Civil Affairs team leader in Iraq during kick off and the first quarter. I have launched a website called and I am wanting to get Iraq Vets to upload their photos. Check it out when you get a chance. I also have a site called with my story and photos. I would love to have your photos on my site.
Thanks for your time,
Richard Haas 03-Dec-2005 10:17
could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
kenny allen 02-Dec-2005 20:04
Absolutely incredible photos! You are a true American Hero and one hell of a photographer! thanks for all your great work behind the lens and behind the lines.
Lucy Jensen 02-Dec-2005 17:23
Great site, incredible pix. All the best to you.
Lucy Jensen
Irma Vance 02-Dec-2005 16:21
God Bless you and the many other True American Heros!! Beautiful pictures and a beautiful family!!
john 31-Oct-2005 18:57
nice site!! (
Vincent Morgan 24-Aug-2005 12:13
I liked the site. Vincent (
Phil Hart 10-Aug-2005 18:42
nice site. Phil
Guest 07-Aug-2005 04:09
sir, I'm new to all of this. But I have a very dear son-in-law new to Irag this past July 4th 2005.To each of you all over there in Iraq as well as other countries, thank you. You will always be in our hearts here.
Each and everyone of you are very special. Because of you our families, my new baby grandson,all of us. Are free to raise our children and have a freedom of choice. I could never express my gratitude to all the men and women who make this possible. God Bless you and keep you always.
A proud mom.
Keith 12-Jul-2005 19:52
Thank you.
Semper Fi
Keith "Rock" Smith VMFA-212 Desert Storm
Mike Norris 03-Jun-2005 02:42
An old buddy of mine forwarded me your profile page, and I had a blast going through your pictures. My Pops was was a Tomcat/Hornet guy (navy type), and both aircraft have a true soft spot in my heart. I'm currently in my first tour as a Coastie helo pilot down in Puerto Rico. We fly the HH-65 Dolphin, and I take my camera out with me quite a bit. I've been setting up my own album site, though I can't hold a candle to yours. But, if you're interested in seeing the "view from down low", I'll send you the link when I've got it all set. Much thanks for everything, Semper Fi for you...and Semper Paratus for me.
Most Respectfully,
LTJG Mike Norris, USCG
Guest 16-May-2005 03:37
pretty, pretty cool.
Guest 16-May-2005 03:36
Hey dude. J'aime vos images. Ils sont tres bien. Me rencontrer dans la cuisine pour la glace. Mon petit doigt me l'a dit.
Mark Henderson 07-Apr-2005 12:20
Do you sell your photos? I am interested in the Iraq photos 'homeward' and 'northbound'.
Mark Henderson
Q Madp 27-Mar-2005 22:52
We must not forget our men and women that gave their all.
To some they are just Iraq war casualties but to many of us they are Iraq War Heroes.
Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away
Dedicated To Our Fallen Iraq War Heroes
Dedicated To Our Vietnam War Heroes
Doug Glenn 28-Feb-2005 20:39
Great pictures! I could not find any other means of contacting you, so here it goes :) I would like to be able to display a picture or two from here on my site (giving you proper credit, ect) vs linking to them which would count against your bandwidth allocation. I would also like to be able to give you full credit which means knowing just a tad more so I can put your full name, ect down or any way that you wish. You can reach me at the above mailbox. If I don't hear from you in say a months time, then I will just link directly to your page instead which is the more normal means of doing things. Thanks in advance for sharing such beautiful, soulfull pictures of the sky, stars and sun.

Semper Fi! (75-81)
Technical commentary and FIS Utilities support site.
Jim Adam 28-Feb-2005 11:16
Rob, Your pictures show a side of you that I not only admire but am truly amazed by.
Your many talents,inspire me to excellence.

Thanks, ~~~Semper-Fi~~~ Jim
Guest 16-Feb-2005 18:36
Hello Rob,
The images you have doing your job are extreemly impressive, especialy the inflight images. I have no words that i can think of that would express my gratitude for the job that you and the men and women working with you are doing. Not only do I applaud you for your photography but stand and applaud you for your services. Please shake the hands of your ground crew and thank them for me as well. You are all my HERO'S!!

Cindy 28-Jan-2005 03:51
Hey Rob Hows it goin? I emailed you can you get a hold of me sometime soon Thanks Cindy (Irishmaam)
Dana Franklin Welch 19-Jan-2005 01:55
Meet your wife today at the Stone Creek Shopping Center. I was on a Harley VROD talking to Jim Gordon, retired WW II and United Airlines pilot whom I just meet. Like me, Juliette noticed the P-51 Mustang on Jim's Polo shirt. Also, Chris Ashby is a friend who flies an F-16 for the USAF. He's in Greece for a staff job with NATO for a year after being here at the Naval Post Graduate School. If you email me, I can send you photos of the American Dream Machine event in Half Moon Bay and the Reno Air Races from this past Sept. from a Yahoo photo album.

Fiona 12-Jan-2005 16:57
~Great pictures~
Greg 27-Dec-2004 19:36
I really like your photographs, and would like to use one as a basis for a logo design (Mountain Mists). I would appreciate it if you would get in contact with me.

Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year!


uche maga 18-Dec-2004 15:41
i love this site guymen keep offooo
Ed11-Dec-2004 06:15
Superb pictures - currently working with you Yank guys - total respect
Ruth 20-Oct-2004 13:29
Hi Major Rash,

Again, love the photos and thanks for all you and eveyone else are doing for our country!!!
I had e-mailed you previously and you responded. I'm the writer who sent you some questions, and I didn't know if you received my e-mail. I hope they weren't too private. Any comment would be appreciated. Hope all is well with you and your family.
Stay safe!!!!
Marco 18-Oct-2004 21:13
Great pictures from Afganistan and Iraq. War is never beautiful, but your pictures truly are. Be safe. Greetings from The Netherlands.
Dushan B. Hadnadjev11-Oct-2004 09:31
Nice work !!!

Larry Blakeley 26-Sep-2004 02:56
My father, Major Roy James Blakeley, USAF was killed in action in South Vietnam after conducting strafing missions at low-level in front of ground troops on July 22, 1965. He was an avid photographer and took many from inside the cockpit of an F-100 SuperSabre and F-104 Starfighter (these will be forthcoming). I have started a website in his honor at

Larry Blakeley
Dallas, Texas
DaveH 25-Sep-2004 19:31
Great photos of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Especially liked the one " Real Heroes".
Jimmy 25-Sep-2004 01:51
From my family to you and yours, THANKS!
Numbers 6:24-26
Guest 24-Sep-2004 15:04
Mike Rentner 24-Sep-2004 11:30
Thanks for the great pictures. I was the MMCO of VMA(AW)-242 when we transitioned to VMFA(AW)-242 back in 1991. I signed all the first log book entries on those planes. (Well, I'm sure they've moved around since)

It's great to see the Bats finally at war again. We missed the first war because we were transitioning to F/A-18D's.

I hope to be joining the gang in the sand box soon.

Major Mike Rentner, USMCR
Michael 24-Sep-2004 02:36
Your a lucky man, with a beautiful family.
Thanks for keeping us free and sharing your love of work, family and photography.
tree hugging sister 24-Sep-2004 01:49
WOW! Found your gorgeous new pics via Instapundit, and about flipped! Not ONLY are they stunning, but my heart skipped a beat at the Delta Tango on that beautiful tail! Mon Dieu! The Bats and Mors Ex Tenebris. I was a Bat (with a jog left or right) from 1981 through the F-18 transition (got to tag along on the first Alaska det) ala Maj Robling and LtCol Driscol. A healthy number of my L/Cpls have found their way here to NAS Pensacola (or what's left of it now..), working for my husband (OIC EAMTU). Bless your heart, you are supremely talented and I thank you for the thrill when I saw that magical, ethereal photo. (Prints available someday?) Welcome home!
Ruth 18-Sep-2004 15:16
Rob T.,

I received your web page through a friend and I have to tell you that your photos are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them and thanks for your service for the United States of America in helping to keep us safe and free!!!! I need to know how I can privately contact you. I am a writer and I have a few questions I would love to ask you.

Again, Thanks for all you and everyone else who serves are doing.
Vic (GySgt) 18-Jul-2004 04:23
Hey Sir how goes it? I was toolin' around and saw your pics posted. Small world! We had a good time in Kyrgyzstan didnt we? I was looking at my pics just the other day.....this is mind blowing! Semper Fi! Gy C
Kevin 08-Jul-2004 19:19
Please go to so we can post your work! please
Cindy 05-Jul-2004 14:13
Rob. Thank you for sharing these memories. I am astonished at your work. Job well done on both ends of the spectrum Thnak you and many blessings to oyu for your service to the USA!!! Thanks Cindy P.S. hope to see more of you at WBG....
Linda Karen Gersic 28-Jun-2004 15:35
Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful pictures! : ) You are a true hero...keep up the excellant work you are doing in all aspects of your life! : )

Take care in all that you do,

Linda Karen Gersic
Frank Self 19-Jun-2004 22:23
Your photos are very good. I was looking for tee ball pictures and found your web site. The reason I was looking for tee ball pictures is that our church is starting a new tee ball league this fall and I needed to put a brochure together. I wanted some good pictures for the brochure and wondered if it might be possbile to use some of your photos. thanks for your considration of my request and will be looking forward to your reply.

Frank Self
Jennifer Taylor 09-Jun-2004 02:17
Your work is beautiful!!!! Keep up the good work, and I'll be looking for more to come!!

Love Jennifer
c25-May-2004 13:04
Hi Rob...just thought you might be interested in this guys photos...u never know, might even find yourself in one or two of them!
All the best!
Elsebeth 04-May-2004 20:08
Hi Rob I finally had some time off the weeding and I realy enjoyed the family pictures. I know you are busy but enter some more.
Guest 11-Apr-2004 14:58
These portfolios really proof that a deep photography passion is totally compatible with family and professional career. Great images! Thanks.
CW4 (Ret.) Dan Brunger 30-Mar-2004 19:33
Great photos! Take as many as you can, I wish I took more during my career.
God bless you for your service to our country!
Mike Traweek 29-Mar-2004 03:22
Words cannot express the appreciation that I and all God fearing Americans have for soldiers like you. May God keep you safe.
Viki Williams 28-Mar-2004 04:02
I received your web page today and wanted to thank you so much for these great photos. You do have an eye for it. I will pass this on. I want to thank you for all you do for this country. Keep up the good work and God Bless you and the men you work with.
Viki L. Williams
Chaparral, NM
John Lawson 26-Mar-2004 17:44
Rob: damn fine photos. Looking thru them made my big toe shoot up into my boot! Kudos, and thank you for your steadfast service to County and Corps.

Semper Fidelis,
John Lawson
CWO-4, USMC (Ret)
former 7041 and 7002
Judy Molineaux 25-Mar-2004 14:32
Your photos were outstanding! I am in awe of our many heroes out there. My son is attached to the fast attack sub USS Albuquerque, out to sea at present, and I am as proud of him, as I am of all our service personnel. May you all come home safe and sound soon (typical mother talk).
Guest 20-Mar-2004 04:03
I realy like your photos.i vote your gallery :)
Guest 17-Mar-2004 05:23
Hi Rob,
First let me also say thank you for serving our country. My Father is in the Marines so I am very familiar with Mil. life. Your work is great. I have a shot that I would like to send to you that I think you will like. It's not up on my page yet so as soon as I scan it I will send it. Get home safe, but until then, keep shooting!! (in both senses of the word!!!)
~~Mia Rosario
Costi Jacky 16-Mar-2004 21:16
Hi Rob

Thanks for your comment on my PoD gallery
SUSAN 10-Mar-2004 00:50
TVK 03-Mar-2004 15:50
Great pics...thanx for your service to a grateful nation. I'm an old Vietnam Buff driver...wish we'd had digital cameras over Hanoi 30+ years ago....though I would have probably 'soiled' it. Traveling is nice to know that God looks out for more than just USAF guys.
Peter Gaby 02-Mar-2004 04:21
Hello Rob: You've got some great photo's.

I work for a comapny that may have an interest in selling some of your pictures if you are interested.

Take a look at our web site sometime

Best of luck and be safe
Jeff Raleigh 29-Feb-2004 17:46

Great photos. Thank you so much for your efforts in protecting my family. It is men and women like you who protect us and I won't ever forget your service.
Michael 29-Feb-2004 10:33

Hmm. 'Mountain Mists', wins. 'Real Heroes', places and 'Anticipation', shows.

Your site gets the honorable mention. It’s so tight, it squeaks!

Semper Fi.

Phil Nesmith 28-Feb-2004 08:59

First of all I would like to say that I like your work. I have let a message in your Iraq gallery. I would like to invite you to become part the Through Our Eyes - Iraq photo project. You can learn a bit about this project at I have been supporting the 1st Armor Divsion in Baghdad since Apr 03 and have started this project to show the world what is really going on etc. Im trying to locate phtogrpahers to become a part of this project. The ultimate goal will be to produce a photo book of the best images collected. The site is rough but coming along. Please check it out. You may contact me directly with questions, comments, or just to chat. If you know others that have been here and have photos etc...please pass the project URL and my email to them. I hope to hear from you and please keep up your outstanding work.

To anyone else that may read this post. Please visit www.visualadventiure to see images of live in Iraq. To become a member of the project please email me.

Phil Nesmith
Through Our Eyes - Iraq
GEORGE HUNTBACH 25-Feb-2004 06:38
BRILLIANT! WISH I COULD HAVE 'EM ALL ON MY WALL. Nearest I've come is two hours in a Cessna!

Chuck Kuhn24-Feb-2004 22:07
Enjoyed all your pictures. Beautiful colors and memories. Your photo of jet with blue background/mts, reminds me of several I've taken on commercial flight. Check out my site
thanks for sharing
Larry Cade 26-Jan-2004 22:12
Rob, you're really "DEEP" into the photo stuff. Most of the photos are of very high professional quality. I really enjoyed viewing all of them. Sure wish I could take pictures with 1/2 the quality. Keep up the good work.

kat and bullitt 26-Jan-2004 01:50
ENjoyed meeting you and your wife on carmel beach and thankyou for the great photo of my Jack Russell Bullitt playing soccer. He'll be happy to perform any time in the future if you d like some more. Good luck...
Roger 16-Jan-2004 16:12
Great photographs, and interesting to see the work you guys are doing. Would you be interested in writing an article for our aviation photography website ( If so, just shoot me an e-mail.

Thanks and keep up the good work,
Llonie Cobb 16-Jan-2004 01:05
Very impressive! I'm a pilot with VMAQ-2 out of MCAS Cherry Point. We flew out of PSAB, KSA, during OIF and while I have quite a few pictures, I don't think any are quite as stunning as yours. They do, however, tell the story so, maybe I'll post them. In in case, your photos are nothing short of astonishing.......and inspiring. Keep shooting.

Semper Fi,

Llonie "Shakes" Cobb
Guest 15-Jan-2004 18:30
Glad you liked my Marine Corps gallery. I just started going through hundreds of pictures that are starting to fade and will be uploading many more for your viewing pleasure. I was with 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, Weapons Co., 81mm Mortars stationed at Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station. At the time we had A4, F4, CH-46, CH-53 and Cobra’s on base. The three naval ships for our deployment would come out of San Diego consisting of a LHA or LPH and one LST and LPD. The LHA/LPH would carry all the aircraft including the AV-8's that came out of El Toro or 29 stumps (Palms).
Rob, your pictures are simply stunning and I view them regularly. The composition and detail are wonderful thanks you for sharing these great pictures.
roberta13-Jan-2004 22:49
Hi Rob,
You asked about my Zipper Curves image:
This image is a negative of a black zipper resting on a mirror. I held a piece of blue poster board above the mirror to block the reflection of the kitchen ceiling. I was amazed at the unusual refections created by the shadow of the zipper against the mirror. The Sony 717 was on a tripod but I would have to dig through my CDs to find the aperture and shutter speed settings. I probably used ISO 100 since I used a tripod. No flash, just the natural daylight coming in from the kitchen window. It was an image I did for an STF challenge at on "CURVES". Thanks for your comments!
Jim "Diamond" Brady 29-Dec-2003 20:44
Hi Rob:

Great pics and great work. As a former old F-8 Crusader driver, I have been amazed at the sortie lengths that I have been reading about and the mutliple re-fuelings, etc. The Crusader was an absolute bitch to plug in, especially at night. Glad they have improved that capability but I know it is still stressful as hell.

The guys that flew Crusaders years ago still get together once a year at the Last Crusader Ball, an event we have vowed to continue until the last of us is gone.

At this past year's event in San Diego, we all raised a glass to you guys and the work you are doing. God Bless you all and be sure to "check six".

Jim Brady
Guest 27-Dec-2003 05:41
It is possible to have the skill or the opportunity or the visual poetry however, rarely do all three come together as consistently to produce the quite remarkable images shown here.

They stopped me in my tracks. Stunning. They transcend politics.

Thank you for sharing.

Tony Lamson21-Dec-2003 17:25
Rob. Thank you for sharing your images. From one servicemember to another, your work and dedication (not only to the job we do, but to photography and to your family) is much appreciated and respected. I will be headed back to the sandbox in a couple months for my third summer in the Middle East in a row. I will have my cameras with me and hope to be able to capture reality there in much the way you have through your shots. I agree, pictures do work in a pinch... LOL

God bless and look forward to seeing more of your work over time.
Tony Lamson
Guest 19-Dec-2003 22:18
Rob - These F-18 shots are outstanding. I am the Department Manager at Raytheon Systems Company in Indianapolis, Indiana that repairs the APG-65 and APG-73 Radars that are used on your birds. Seeing your shots make us really proud of the job we are doing to support the warfighter and makes us want to do an even better job. Any other shots that I could share with our employees would be fantastic.
Guest 18-Dec-2003 03:39
These photos are pretty good. Maybe next time instead of buying a camera we could buy a new horse? Just Kidding......................
your daughter
Guest 17-Dec-2003 22:35
Great gallery you have here. Especially the combat shots, they are absolutely unique! Really wish I was in ur shoes up there in the clouds! I got the Sony F717 myself.

Regards, Andrew
Bailey Zimmerman16-Dec-2003 22:09
Very powerful images....very poignant!
Verrrry Impressive!!! What an incredible journal!
Sending you blessings across the miles to you & your family!!
Elsebeth 16-Dec-2003 20:12
Rob, Great job. Thank you for sharing.
Guest 13-Dec-2003 12:19
I enjoyed looking through your galleries. The flight shots are great. Good luck with the PAD project.
Guest 12-Dec-2003 00:00
Funny I was looking at your galleries just last week and meant to leave a message on how great they were but then couldn't find your galleries again.

Love the stunning aircraft pictures amazed that you could just take your camera up with you and snap shots like that - stunning pictures.

Thanks for your comments at my gallery too

Peter (another one!)
Peter 05-Dec-2003 19:00
Hi Rob-

Thanks for sharing your photographs, they were a treat to look at and extremely impressive. Also, good use of your sense of humor (especially about the static electricity...I keep laughing everytime I think of it).

Thanks for all of your hard work, and thanks for keeping us safe.

- Peter
Guest 03-Dec-2003 15:34
Thanks for sharing these photos Rob... very interesting perspective from the air.

Be careful and God bless.
R Jones 20-Nov-2003 11:10
Just wanted to say how cool your pics are! I noticed your comments about America = Satan, and that compelled me to say I think what all of you did there in both Afghanistan and Iraq was inspiring.

I am Canadian, and although we did fight in Afghanistan we did not go to Iraq. I disagreed with our governments position and fully support those who went to Iraq, are still in Iraq, and grieve for the loss of your comrades.

God Bless America! (and have pity on weak minded Canadian politicians)
John Strong 20-Nov-2003 02:34
Beautiful photos, beautiful life testimony. I got a chuckle out of your invitation for people to send (America=SATAN) hate mail. Listen, Charles DeGaul once said, "Politics is like being at the sea shore. Some people listen to the squawking birds. Others listen to the murmur of the sea." When I see pictures of young men like you who have a sufficient sense of higher purpose to actually risk your lives in our defense, I am moved to tears of gratitude. There will always be squawking birds, ready to latch on to any sort of controversy as a convenient excuse to vent their bitterness. Their voices are shrill, but if you listen carefully, there's a deeper note: the hearts of hundreds of millions of average Americans that murmur grateful prayers for your heroism. We don't shout, because that would not do justice to the depth of our feeling, and the image you project throughout the entire world of professionalism, of altruism and religious faith, bravery on the one hand and restraint on the other, single-mindedness in your mission, yet compassion and humanity toward our enemies - that image is like a revelation, where America sees her own character, and discovers that she is beautiful. Christ told Peter, you are not a wavering reed, you are a rock. I don't think Peter shouted in that moment, or even spoke, because words would have diminished the power of what he felt. I'm sure he was humbled, but also transformed by Christ's words. Likewise, service men such as you have transformed us. Who you are is who we are. What an honor. It is a great privilege to be a citizen in the same country as you, my friend. God bless.
Marguerite 13-Nov-2003 14:16
What fabulous pictures. The view from your "office" is just breathtaking. I am an Air Force brat who spent three years on Camp Pendleton. Thank you so much for your service. I know the sacrifices you and your family are making. I appreciate all that you are doing for my children and all others to make this world a little more peaceful. I thank you so much for this glimpse of what you see and do.

poff-filios 13-Nov-2003 14:06
First - thanks to you and your family for the sacrafice that you are making. The photos are beautiful - I would think that there are many folks who would appreciate one of your photos, matted and framed, as a memento of their service, flyers or not. After all keeping you guys flying is why all of us are here. M Filios, USAFR
Guest 12-Nov-2003 15:52
Nice pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
I really like these machines, I can share Christopher’s story.

But i enjoy them now every day when they fly over my head.
I live near Kleine brogel in Belgium and there are a lot of F16's active. :) :)

2 weeks ago I went their for a shooting at the base.
Maybe when you’re on the ground you can take a look ;-)

Have a nice life
Christopher 12-Nov-2003 13:42
Since the very days when I just was at childs feet, I have dreamt of
being a pilot, flying these surreal machines. My plans did not quite
go that way so I guess its too late now. And its so dissapointing
becouse I really feel this was the thing I would like to do with my
At the moment I'm 18 years old and live in Sweden where I'm also born.
It kinda feels nostalgic to watch somebody else's dream come true just
like yours; and it just makes one think- if, if, if...
Oh well, thank you for your exellent album and feel free to email me;
it would really be highly appriciated!
Thank you!
