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Rossuziers (Formerly: 'UZ'pShoot'ERS') | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Rossuziers (Formerly: 'UZ'pShoot'ERS')
Name Rossuziers (Formerly: 'UZ'pShoot'ERS') (joined 06-Sep-2001) (pbase supporter)
Username rrawzz
Personal URL
Location Buffalo, New York, U. S. of A.
Buffalo, New York, U. S. of A.
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View Galleries : Rossuziers (Formerly: 'UZ'pShoot'ERS') has 135 galleries and 4065 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1309473 times.

View Guestbook : 25 messages. Most recent on 22-Oct-2008.

Message from Rossuziers (Formerly: 'UZ'pShoot'ERS')
Pardon My Mess!

********* Utensils-o-Choice *********

~~~~~~ Cameras ~~~~~~
(In order of appearance)
"Olympus": *C2100uz* - *E100rs* - *C8080wz*
"Panasonic": *Fz30s* - *Fz50k* - *LX3k* - *TZ5a*
~~~~~~ Tele, Wide Angle, Macro Adapters, Flash & Tripod/heads ~~~~~~
"Olympus": *b300 (1.7x)* - *c210 (1.9x)* - *bMacro (+2.5)* - *b28 (.8x)* - *Wcon 07 (.7x)* - *Wcon 08b (.8x)*
"Canon": *250D (+4)*
"Zykkor": *(T 1.5x/WA 0.5x)*
"Panasonic": lw55 (.7x)*
"Olympus": FL 50 (non- 'R')
"Manfrotto": Legs 3001Pro - Heads 3265 & 322RC2
~~~~~~ Filters ~~~~~~
"Circular Poarizer"
"Gradual Neutral Density"
"r72 Infra Red"
~~~~~~ Software ~~~~~~
"Adobe PhotoShop Elements v1,v2,v3,v4,v7"
"SilkyPix 2.1se"
Random Rossuziers (Formerly: 'UZ'pShoot'ERS') pictures