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Robyn Lakeman | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Robyn Lakeman26-Jul-2008 13:54
Hi Robert, I use a 18-250mm Tamron lens. Thanks for your lovely comments :)
Robyn Lakeman22-Apr-2008 09:51
Thanks Tony and Den for your inspirational comments
Den_S09-Apr-2008 14:24
I just found your galleries and I am amazed at your work. I'm adding you to my favorites ad will look to you for inspiration when I can't think of a fresh angle.
Guest 09-Apr-2008 12:26

You have an amazing eye.. you have made it to my favorites.. I will be keeping an eye on your fantastic work.
Robyn Lakeman24-Nov-2007 03:06
Thank you so much Blind Poet and Andrija for taking the time to sign the guestbook and for your wonderful comments
Guest 18-Jun-2007 06:58
Robyn I have just randomly discovered you and wow what an awesome discovery. You have such a lovely way with colour and you are going to be an inspiration to me. Have added you to my favourites.:-)
Guest 25-Apr-2007 10:45
Dear Robyn,
You have so beautifuly start in pbase...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...I want see more yours photos...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...