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Suzanne Moreau | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Suzanne Moreau
Name Suzanne Moreau (joined 04-Feb-2009) (pbase supporter)
Username smoreauphoto
Location Montreal
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View Galleries : Suzanne Moreau has 67 galleries and 2045 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 185617 times.

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Message from Suzanne Moreau
Photography has been a deep passion since my very youth. I can't help from figuring everything I see and feel as a picture, a portrait of beauty and infinity.

As Photography Master, Henri Catier Bresson, used to say:

"I have no message to deliver, nothing to prove; you see and you feel, and it's the surprised eye that decides" - Henri Cartier-Bresson

I hope you enjoy my pictures.
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