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Profile for Stan B
Name Stan B (joined 24-Oct-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username stanb
Location Australia
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Message from Stan B
it was trains that go me bitten - my (english) father rather loved them, so during the late sixties when he discovered that steam engines were dissappearing from the rails in NSW he started to go out and photograph them. he also bought books, lots of them. Some of these had the most wonderful photographs - books by collin gifford and gifford eardley stand out as a record of a changing industrial world . Then at the end of 1972, steam ended in new south wales, and with it our forays around the state - but we had a record - some 2200 slides, many feet of 8mm, and some hundreds of feet of 1/4 in reel to reel tape.
fast forward to the mid 80's: as a member of the army reserve I wanted to capture some of the scenes I was part of - I started to carry a little 110 - photo quality was cr*p and I wanted more, so in 1990 I got my first slr - a second hand ricoh KR10 to capture those steam engines that had survived into preservation. While better, my photos were still cr*p - i wanted to create photo's like those I rememebered in those books - so I started to take a serious interest in photography as an art....

a divorce and single parent hood put the brakes on a couple of years later - an attempt at farming was halted following a serious car accident. I'd also started scanning my fathers slides, and was getting frustrated by the poor quality results but this had rekindled the interest...

Looking for something to do while I recovered:i'd broken my back in the accident, and found my other passion, model making, just as painful as farming, i picked up a sony f707... and discovered photosig... with more bloody wonderful photographs ...
then the incredible happened - someone at work wanted to buy copies of my photos - and its gone on from there

I'm still trying to create those wonderful photographs, but trains are no longer the main subject . As I have moved from landscape to a more cosmopolitan choice of subjects, I have found taking photos of people the most satisfying, and am somewhat bemused and flattered that people are starting to ask me (and occassionally pay for) me to take photos for them!

In February 2006, while reading the paper, for reasons I'll never know I cast my eye over the business's for sale - I noticed that one of Canberra's leading portrait studio's was advertised therein.

to cut a long story short, I now own StudioVogue Photography, Canberra's leading portrait studo

I have recently opened up an account on Redbubble as a print service. If you'd like to see what I have available as print you may find me here
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