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Why I Photograph
Whether it is a petroglyph on a cave wall or a digital photograph, humans have a need for visual self-expression. I believe every photograph I make is, on some level, a self-portrait. When I compose, I arrange elements and themes around facets I recognize from my own life experiences and personality. It is a continual journey of self-discovery. Not always pretty. Constantly changing. Each of us has vast depths of light and dark and unfathomable complexities / shades of gray. The more I explore the world outside, the more I learn about who I am on the inside. And the more images I make, the better I understand myself. I hope my photos resonate with viewers because they identify a part of themselves within an image; perhaps ideas, events, and emotions that are universal to our human condition. Photography comes from the Greek words meaning writing with light. My challenge is to experience the world in new ways and tell stories with light.