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Kees | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Kees
Name Kees (joined 11-Feb-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username the_picturemaker
Location Netherlands
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View Galleries : Kees has 119 galleries and 2331 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 739962 times.

View Guestbook : 9 messages. Most recent on 16-Jan-2008.

Message from Kees
Thanks for visiting my galleries. I Started photography with a Rollei compact camera. Upgraded in the early 80's to a Practica B100. In 1986 i wanted something better and upgraded to the Nikon F501. In april 2004 i bought a Canon Ixus 400 and getting more in digital photography in August 2004 it was time for me to upgrade to the Nikon D70. In februari 2006 it was time to double my pixel ratio, buying the Nikon D200.
My main subjects of photography are: landscapes, birds and aircraft. Therefor i mainly used the standard Nikon kitlens 18-70mm and the Sigma 50-500, since May 2006 the 18-70 is replaced by the Sigma 10-20 and Nikon 18-200 VR and the Sigma 50-500 by Nikons' supurb 70-200 VR with TCII. Please keep visiting my galleries, i will update them on a regular basis.
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