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Profile for Timothy Guenther
Name Timothy Guenther (joined 05-Feb-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username timbg
Location Rochester, New York
Rochester, New York
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View Galleries : Timothy Guenther has 593 galleries and 15464 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 3691996 times.

View Guestbook : 30 messages. Most recent on 18-Jun-2016.

Message from Timothy Guenther
I have enjoyed photography as a hobby on and off since 1957 when I was given a Kodak Brownie for Christmas.

I purchased my first digital camera, an Olympus C-700UZ, in the fall of 2001. This camera re-awakened my interest in photography and I started taking pictures again.

I purchased a Canon A75 to carry with me for snapshots and a Nikon D70 for more serious picture taking - both in January 2005. I upgraded to a Nikon D80 in February 2009. The A75 stopped working in 2012, so I replaced it with a Nikon Coolpix AW100.

In July 2013 I started using the Nikon 1 V2. It is a great camera, but Nikon is not supporting it with any glass other than the kit lenses. The adapter for DSLR lenses increases the focal length by 2.7x. That's great for telephoto, but not so great for wide angle.

So, in August 2014 I started shooting with the Sony a6000.

I welcome honest constructive criticism and comments.
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