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Topics >> by Pauline >> 'WhatEver.....'

'WhatEver.....' Photos
Topic maintained by Pauline (see all topics)

The beautiful, the unusual, the unique, the funny, the mind provoking and cute pictures I've found and kept.

"I Told You So"

Thats the name of the painting.
Something I had to have.

I was walking beside my brother in a mall just before christmas.
He was christmas browsing, many booths at the center walk pathway.
While he browsed something caught me eye and I smiled, stared, wished, shrugged my shoulders then shook my head saying to my self, I can never afford that, then walked away from it.
My brother watching me asked what it was I was looking at.
I told him I felt it the most clever painting, it made me smile, I wanted it but no way I could afford it.
That christmas when he came by with gifts for all, he hands me my gift requesting I open it and it was the "I TOLD YOU SO" not a poster but an oil painting.

Once I mentioned I wanted a grandfathers clock, yes he got it for me.
That was my favorite brother, the only man I ever fully trusted.
Wonder what would have happened if I said, I wanted to die when he died.

by Pauline