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Topics >> by Dick Osseman >> Hittite country

Hittite country Photos
Topic maintained by Dick Osseman (see all topics)

Here you find most of the galleries I have about the region mainly to the northeast and southeast of the interior, formerly occupied by the Hittite people.

NOTE: Many galleries contain sub-galleries, indicated in bold letters. Clicking them shows many more pictures (and sometimes sub-galleries within).

by Dick Osseman
Bingöl in Central Turkey
Bingöl in Central Turkey
by Dick Osseman
Boğazkale - Hittite pictures
Boğazkale - Hittite pictures
by Dick Osseman
Çorum pictures
Çorum pictures
by Dick Osseman
Divriği Turkey
Divriği Turkey
by Dick Osseman
Elazığ pictures - Turkey
Elazığ pictures - Turkey
by Dick Osseman
by Dick Osseman
Erzurum Turkey
Erzurum Turkey
by Dick Osseman
Harput near Elazig in Turkey
Harput near Elazig in Turkey
by Dick Osseman
Karatepe pictures - Hittite pictures
Karatepe pictures - Hittite pictures
by Dick Osseman
by Dick Osseman
Nemrut Mountain
Nemrut Mountain
by Dick Osseman
by Dick Osseman
Tercan in Eastern Turkey
Tercan in Eastern Turkey
by Dick Osseman
by Dick Osseman
Yazılıkaya - Hittite
Yazılıkaya - Hittite
by Dick Osseman