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Topics >> by Michael Weinberg >> Wedding and Event Photography

Wedding and Event Photography Photos
Topic maintained by Michael Weinberg (see all topics)
Wedding on the Greens of Paupack Hills
Wedding on the Greens of Paupack Hills
by Michael Weinberg
Pennsylvania Weddings, Events, Fashion by Michael Weinberg Photography
Pennsylvania Weddings, Events, Fashion by Michael Weinberg Photography
by Michael Weinberg
Candid Photojournalism from Weddings and Events
Candid Photojournalism from Weddings and Events
by Michael Weinberg
Wedding at the Country Church in Long Eddy, New York
Wedding at the Country Church in Long Eddy, New York
by Michael Weinberg
A Bed and Breakfast Wedding at the Bischwind
A Bed and Breakfast Wedding at the Bischwind
by Michael Weinberg