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Victor Lim | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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FocusingOnWildlife.com24-Oct-2010 12:46
superb images, will check your site on regular basis.
Laurence Chang 03-Feb-2010 21:06
Victor, I was looking through your terrific photos of Nanxun, China. I am writing a family history and saw that some of your pics were of the house belonging to my great-grandfather, Zhang Shiming. Is there any chance I could get copies of two of your photos of the house (pb1234024.jpg and pb123040.jpg) for use in my book? The book is not for commercial publication (just for distribution to family); I'd be happy to credit you and send a copy to you (if you would like). Thanks very much for you consideration,
Laurence Chang, Denver, Colorado, USA
guerdan22-Dec-2009 05:08
Thank you Victor for uploading so many great pics. You've captured the heart of China and brought back to me fond memories of its people and their history. Guerdan - Australia
Guerdan Clement 22-Dec-2009 04:57
Hello Victor - Thanks for putting up so mny great photos of China. You've taken the photos that I wish I had the skill to see. They stir in me fond memories of China and it's people. Guerdan
Taiwanese 03-Jun-2009 00:52
I found that you put Taiwan as part of "Greater China".

Taiwan is not part of "Greater China". Taiwan has its own government. Actually I as a Taiwanese will be offended if people tell me that I am Chinese.

Though people in Taiwan speak almost the same language, we are different in frame of values and moral standards. It is just a totally different country. I would say that culturewise we are more like Japanese no matter you agree or not.

If Taiwan become part of China, I would consider that as a tragedy. I am not here to attack China. Taiwan is just different. I wish it will remain the same not only in its sovereignty but also in its moral values, pride, and dignity.
Frederic 22-Sep-2008 21:12
Hi Victor,
great job with your pics. I really enjoy seeing most of them.
BengWee 12-Feb-2008 14:56
Yo, forget to wish you a happy CNY.
All the best for your studies =)
Remember to inform us when you are back again K
Guest 21-Jan-2008 06:36
I see you put Taiwan under "Greater China". Taiwan is not part of China. It would a real tragedy that Taiwan becomes part of China.
chri 27-Dec-2007 08:48
im interesting to gto to the temple
of Bai Yun Guan in China
can you give me information
My dream is to get a taoist priest
Guest 19-Jun-2007 05:42
Pbase needs more galleries like yours.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 08:45
Your work is amazing!
cnmission 05-Dec-2006 14:19
you are a fantastic photographer! I have never felt HuangShan is a such beautiful city until i saw these photoes.
Richard Haas 11-Oct-2006 13:05
Could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
Alfredo Bini 22-Nov-2005 00:08
hi Im an italian photographer. I saw your work in Xiahe and I wont to know in wich hotel have you sleep? Maybe I will go back to Xiahe and your hotel sems to be pretty.
Best Alfredo Bini
C G 16-Nov-2005 10:44
Hi Towkay,

What is standard of living in Beijing ? Any guide to working & living in Beijing ?

George Kfoury 27-Oct-2005 04:00
Magnificent gallery – Thanks for sharing these photos.

George Kfoury,
The owner of a Sweatshirt that says " I Climbed the Great Wall of China".
George Kfoury 27-Oct-2005 03:59
Magnificent gallery – Thanks for sharing these photos.

George Kfoury,
The owner of a Sweatshirt that says " I Climmed the Great Wall of China".
Ria 11-May-2005 13:54
Hi, saw your tips at virtual tourist. Just wanted to ask you how to get the train tickets for Shanghai-Beijing? How long do you have to be at the train station before the trip if you don't have tickets?
Victor Lim24-Nov-2004 15:26
Dave, I presume you are asking about the Nanshan Ski resort ourside Beijing? If i am not wrong the season will open on Dec 11 2004. Enjoy!
David Hayes 20-Nov-2004 13:18
Hi can you tell me when the resort is opening this year please?

Zhizhong 25-Oct-2004 15:46

Haven't heard from you for so long. Looks like you're doing well from your photos.
Do drop some e-mails when you're free. We all missed you.
BengWee 05-Jun-2004 16:08
Really enjoy looking at the photo =)
Make me want to go china now.
TakeCare and inform us of when u returning to Singapore
Qi Yutao 03-May-2004 05:04
Nice to hear something about u from Zijing, and enjoying your pictures now :)
How are u, seems long time no see...
I will finish my PHD by next year, then maybe I will also go to China to have a nice job....
Keep contact.
Zhang Bo 01-Apr-2004 13:32
I am enjoy sharing you happy journsy beautiful photoes.
It is too bad that I have no chance to make a trip with you this spring,just beacause I can not get satisfaction only from the net.I hope to journey with you next time(if I can)
Good luck
PS:happy fool's day!!!hehehehehehe
may 01-Apr-2004 03:56
Beautiful pictures!Really good!
Thanks for so many beautiful pictures!
Wish you all goes well!
Guest 26-Mar-2004 18:48
Hi man, I like your pics so much, looking forward your new updates la, so admire your life travelling although actually I haven't found my good soul mate for trip.......
yuan zijing 08-Mar-2004 10:25
Well, for those interested in the budda(???), you can find the information from the link below:
Guest 11-Feb-2004 15:00
Hi towkay
I'm happy to share your new photo and admire your good opportunity.Can you tell me which province the place hezuo belong to? And what is the great buddhist temble's name?
If you change your cellphone number, please do tell me it and your new address postcode.
Hope you having fun in shanghai.
I think we'll meet long before.

zijing 10-Feb-2004 04:24
Really great pictures, especially those taken in Tibet.

To Fred: Zheng Ding is called Õý¶¨ in hebei province. I guess the temple he visited is Long Xing Temple (¡ÐËËÂ). Zheng Ding is very close to Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei. And there is tourist bus to Zhengding from Shijiazhuang. Hope this info is useful to u.
24:00 08-Feb-2004 17:44
hi towkay...
your journey is so amazing......
could you tell me where is the place called "zheng ding"?
do you know the chinese name of this place?
i'm so interesting in this place......
waiting for more....
fred lau
from hongkong...
LiYongjing 21-Jan-2004 13:10
Happy China's new year to your family
Guest 16-Dec-2003 07:49
i think the picture u took @ Gong Zi Temple was fabulous...
Cyberghost 27-Apr-2003 04:22
Hi Two, Nice photos.
Hope you having fun there.
Do contact me if you come back.
We meet up for coffee.
Kok Yeong
24:00 08-Apr-2003 03:52
ng........i think you're not chinese.....right?????haaaa
Jay 23-Mar-2003 13:52
Hi Tow,

Good effort.
Its great to share wif us what you are doing out there in China.
Looks like its whole lot of fun there.
