the grass the trees the sky
the sky the grass the trees
rabbits squirrels birds
birds squirrels rabbits
weeds weeds weeds
i like taking pictures of weeds i like taking pictures of weeds i like taking pictures of weeds sidewalks buildings buildings sidewalks trees grass sky sky grass trees winter summer spring fall fall spring summer winter the road the streets the streets the roads grass sky trees trees sky grass snow leaves leaves snow rabbits birds squirrels squirrels rabbits birds grass trees sky sky grass trees dead animals living animals living animals the sun the moon the stars? the stars? the moon the sun cars trucks motorcycles motorcycles trucks cars water grass maybe boats maybe boats grass water clouds rain sun sun rain clouds
Elise Renee Gingerich
11-Jul-2011 07:44
i like taking pictures too, i guess
from elise renee gingerich age 39 in Lawrence Kansas Usa
zzzzzzz nighty nighty zzzzz