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Y J C Yip's Recent Galleries

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14-Sep-2015 08:57
2015 0802-19 London & Paris
gallery: 2015 0802-19 London & Paris
25-Jun-2014 12:43
20140608 Grandson as Flower Boy @ Nephew's Wedding
gallery: 20140608 Grandson as Flower Boy @ Nephew's Wedding
27-Mar-2014 13:02
20140326 Trip to Shek Kwu Chau
gallery: 20140326 Trip to Shek Kwu Chau
15-Jan-2014 09:02
2014 0113 Tai O & Taikoo Shing City Plaza
gallery: 2014 0113 Tai O & Taikoo Shing City Plaza
15-Jan-2014 08:53
2014 0101 Stanley & 0102 HK Brands & Products Expo
gallery: 2014 0101 Stanley & 0102 HK Brands & Products Expo
25-Nov-2013 05:46
20131123 Sai Kung, Hong Kong
gallery: 20131123 Sai Kung, Hong Kong
29-Sep-2013 08:34
20130929 New Member of the Yip's Family
gallery: 20130929 New Member of the Yip's Family
09-Aug-2013 07:08
2013 0615 - 0715 UK
gallery: 2013 0615 - 0715 UK
21-Feb-2013 11:40
2013 0215 Stanley
gallery: 2013 0215 Stanley
26-Dec-2012 12:05
2012 1224 Awakened Sleepers & Transformed Places
gallery: 2012 1224 Awakened Sleepers & Transformed Places
27-Nov-2012 07:46
2012 1127 Taikoo Shing Christmas Decoration
gallery: 2012 1127 Taikoo Shing Christmas Decoration
12-Nov-2012 05:04
2012 1111 Edison's Birthday Dinner
gallery: 2012 1111 Edison's Birthday Dinner