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Profile for Astromas Photography
Name Astromas Photography (joined 19-Jul-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username astromas
Location Wales
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View Galleries : Astromas Photography has 77 galleries and 2460 images online.
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View Guestbook : 22 messages. Most recent on 05-Jan-2015.

Message from Astromas Photography
Hi, I've been taking pictures for over 30 years and really have a love and passion for photography. I started using Ilford black and white film and then began to develop and print the best ones in my darkroom. In latter years I also printed colour photographs but left the developing to the experts.

I was never that struck on colour developing and printing and was more interested in texture and tones than pure colour. Having said that people tend not to want to see black and white holiday snaps so I started taking colour prints.

Some of the earlier images on this site were shot with a Canon A1 35mm with all sorts of fixed and zoom lenses, motor drives, flash guns, filters and a bag full of equipment.

Having decided to go fully digital I bought a Fuji Finepix S602 which was a good general purpose multi-mode camera with a zoom lens. Despite being a good camera to get into digital with I felt it lacked the quality of the Canon and 3 megapixels was a bit limiting.

Having used a Canon EOS 10D digital camera for about 4 years I then upgraded to a 15 megapixel Canon EOS 50D and have upgraded again to my current camera, a 24 megapixel Canon EOS 80D. The image stabiliser zoom lenses consist of a Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM Lens, a Canon EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens and a Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS USM Lens.

A few years ago I stopped developing and printing my own photographs as I wasn't that struck on breathing in all those harmful chemicals. I also became reluctant to lock myself away in a darkroom, lit only by a dim light, on a warm summer's day. It seemed such a waste.

Now, with the help of a good PC I can download the images directly from the digital camera, and, once in the PC, I use Adobe Photoshop and onOne Perfect Photo Suite to tweak imperfections, add any special effects that I want and generally tidy up the images.

Thanks for stopping by.

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