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Welcome to photography that needs no darkroom. Yep, DIGITAL.

All you need is a camera, a PC, some digital imaging software and a lot of imagination.

With the advent of powerful PCs and good imaging software its now possible to exhibit your work without spending days couped up in a darkroom breathing in fumes.

I have had a love of photography for over 30 years although most images here only reflect the last decade or so.

Please Note: All images are the Property and Copyright of Astromas Photography © 2000 - 2024
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Sanicole Air Show, Belgium - September 2022
< Sanicole Air Show, Belgium - September 2022 >
Snow 2022
< Snow 2022 >
Sanicole Air Show, Belgium - September 2021
< Sanicole Air Show, Belgium - September 2021 >
Garden Birds
< Garden Birds >
Dies und Das (this and that)
< Dies und Das (this and that) >
Sanicole Air Show, Belgium - September 2019
< Sanicole Air Show, Belgium - September 2019 >
Militracks 2019, Overloon, The Netherlands - May 2019
< Militracks 2019, Overloon, The Netherlands - May 2019 >
Sölden, Austria – September 2018
< Sölden, Austria – September 2018 >
Space Symposium at the Technik Museum, Speyer, Germany - October 2018
< Space Symposium at the Technik Museum, Speyer, Germany - October 2018 >
Garden Visitors in Early 2018
< Garden Visitors in Early 2018 >
Bobby Car racing in Zell - Germany 2017
< Bobby Car racing in Zell - Germany 2017 >
Salzburg & Berchtesgaden - September 2017
< Salzburg & Berchtesgaden - September 2017 >
The Auto & Technik Museum, Sinsheim - Germany 2016
< The Auto & Technik Museum, Sinsheim - Germany 2016 >
Living in Germany - The First Two Years
< Living in Germany - The First Two Years >
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
< Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow >
It's Snowing Again
< It's Snowing Again >
Kastellaun Christmas Market 2014
< Kastellaun Christmas Market 2014 >
A Wander Around Mörsdorf, Germany - November 2014
< A Wander Around Mörsdorf, Germany - November 2014 >
Moving Home to Germany - Autumn 2014
< Moving Home to Germany - Autumn 2014 >
Nice, South of France - June 2013
< Nice, South of France - June 2013 >
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - September 2013
< Amsterdam, The Netherlands - September 2013 >
The Airborne Museum at 'Hartenstein', The Netherlands - 2013
< The Airborne Museum at 'Hartenstein', The Netherlands - 2013 >
Oorlogsmuseum at Overloon, The Netherlands - 2013
< Oorlogsmuseum at Overloon, The Netherlands - 2013 >
Mid Wales 2013
< Mid Wales 2013 >
Longleat Safari Park - August 2013
< Longleat Safari Park - August 2013 >
Villefranche-sur-Mer, South of France - June 2013
< Villefranche-sur-Mer, South of France - June 2013 >
Monaco - June 2013
< Monaco - June 2013 >
A River Cruise Along The Rhine and Mosel - September 2011
< A River Cruise Along The Rhine and Mosel - September 2011 >
A Few Days in London
< A Few Days in London >
Brooklands Museum, Surrey - June 2011
< Brooklands Museum, Surrey - June 2011 >
General and Off Beat
< General and Off Beat >
Gifts and Christmas Presents Made In My Workshop
< Gifts and Christmas Presents Made In My Workshop >
Photoshoot at the Wildwood Trust, Kent - June 2011
< Photoshoot at the Wildwood Trust, Kent - June 2011 >
Washington DC - November 2010
< Washington DC - November 2010 >
< oddnos >
Loch Ness, Scotland - October 2010
< Loch Ness, Scotland - October 2010 >
South Wales 2010
< South Wales 2010 >
90th Birthday Celebrations
< 90th Birthday Celebrations >
USAF F-22 Raptor at RIAT 2010 - July 2010
< USAF F-22 Raptor at RIAT 2010 - July 2010 >
The Royal International Air Tattoo 2010 - July 2010
< The Royal International Air Tattoo 2010 - July 2010 >
Cotswold (Kemble) Air Day - June 2010
< Cotswold (Kemble) Air Day - June 2010 >
Some new babies have arrived at Slimbridge
< Some new babies have arrived at Slimbridge >
Christmas Markets December 2009
< Christmas Markets December 2009 >
The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge
< The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge >
The Black Country Museum, UK - September 2009
< The Black Country Museum, UK - September 2009 >
A Return to Red Kite Country, Gigrin Farm, Wales - September 2009
< A Return to Red Kite Country, Gigrin Farm, Wales - September 2009 >
Flying Legends 2009, Duxford UK, July 2009
< Flying Legends 2009, Duxford UK, July 2009 >
Banksy v Bristol Museum
< Banksy v Bristol Museum >
It's snowing
< It's snowing >
The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge
< The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge >
The Things You See in Lincoln
< The Things You See in Lincoln >
Farnborough International Airshow 2008
< Farnborough International Airshow 2008 >
Royal International Air Tattoo 2008
< Royal International Air Tattoo 2008 >
Germany Through The Seasons
< Germany Through The Seasons >
Maine Coon Cat Updates - keeping 'em coming
< Maine Coon Cat Updates - keeping 'em coming >
Tom and Tucker Growing Up
< Tom and Tucker Growing Up >
Waterrow and the River Tone
< Waterrow and the River Tone >
Our Increased Family of Maine Coons
< Our Increased Family of Maine Coons >
Brugge at Christmas - December 2006
< Brugge at Christmas - December 2006 >
Cumbrian Cats
< Cumbrian Cats >
Our Family of Maine Coons - aged Two
< Our Family of Maine Coons - aged Two >
The Royal International Air Tattoo 2006
< The Royal International Air Tattoo 2006 >
Kemble Air Day - June 18th 2006
< Kemble Air Day - June 18th 2006 >
The Elan Valley, Wales
< The Elan Valley, Wales >
Around the Essex Coastline
< Around the Essex Coastline >
The Royal International Air Tattoo 2005
< The Royal International Air Tattoo 2005 >
Red Kites Feeding
< Red Kites Feeding >
French Christmas Markets
< French Christmas Markets >
Dahlia, Rudbeckia and Sunflower
< Dahlia, Rudbeckia and Sunflower >
Maine Coon Kittens
< Maine Coon Kittens >
Cornwall in England
< Cornwall in England >
Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire, England
< Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire, England >
Chicago and New York - July 2003
< Chicago and New York - July 2003 >
Royal International Air Tattoo 2004
< Royal International Air Tattoo 2004 >
A Week in Honfleur
< A Week in Honfleur >