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Carol Keeler's Recent Galleries

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03-Mar-2025 17:25
:: 2024_favorites ::
05-Nov-2022 20:54
:: favorites_from_2022 ::
08-Dec-2021 20:03
:: favorites_of_2021 ::
07-Aug-2021 20:05
Favorites in 2020
:: Favorites in 2020 ::
19-Aug-2019 19:18
2018 Favorites
:: 2018 Favorites ::
19-Feb-2018 21:39
Favorites for 2017
:: Favorites for 2017 ::
16-Jan-2018 21:04
Gallery:Insects,Butterflies, Dragonflies, Damselflies, Bees, Spiders
:: Gallery:Insects,Butterflies, Dragonflies, Damselflies, Bees, Spiders ::
16-Jan-2018 21:03
Gallery:Perching Birds, Passerines
:: Gallery:Perching Birds, Passerines ::
16-Jan-2018 21:02
Gallery: Falcons
:: Gallery: Falcons ::
15-Jan-2018 20:54
Gallery: Snowy Owls
:: Gallery: Snowy Owls ::
29-Oct-2017 16:21
Gallery:Black and White, Sepia, or Toned
:: Gallery:Black and White, Sepia, or Toned ::
07-Apr-2017 18:46
:: Gallery:Buffleheads ::