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Marsha White Seyffert | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Lin Yarbrough; Port Mansfield 08-Sep-2008 16:05
My best guess as to the mystery bird's ID is "Prairie Warbler". How do the votes stack up?
yoram shpirer06-Mar-2007 12:58
Hi Marsha
You have many excellent images in your galleries, I've really enjoyed looking at your photos & will be back again soon for another look.
Guest 22-Nov-2006 12:59
Hi there Marsha. There are some great captures here and I see that you enjoy your water birds. Nice work mate. : )
Guest 22-Nov-2006 12:21
thanks for sharing these photos. I donĀ“t know what I like more, the little but so amazing colourful birds or the majestic eagle...really great shots.
regards, Volker
Guest 03-Oct-2006 16:06
Congratulations - you are now an international celebrity! Hope you are all well.
