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Marsha White Seyffert | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Marsha White Seyffert
Name Marsha White Seyffert (joined 01-Oct-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username marshawhiteseyffert
Location Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
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View Galleries : Marsha White Seyffert has 75 galleries and 685 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 181472 times.

View Guestbook : 6 messages. Most recent on 31-Dec-2020.

Message from Marsha White Seyffert
About Marsha White Seyffert, Avian Photographer -

Being a native Texan, my enjoyment of nature and the beauty it holds was nurtured from a very early age by my parents Richard and Eva Jo White. Most weekends of my childhood were spent in the deep woods of Central Texas at the family’s hunting camp or on the Upper Texas Coast at our fishing camp. I became interested in bird watching in my early twenties and since then there has been a natural transition from bird watcher to avian photographer. I hope that my images bring you joy and a deeper appreciation for the “jewels” of the avian world that we have been given stewardship over. Each of us can make a difference in the balance that must be kept between man and nature. Nature, not unlike life, is strong while remaining very fragile. Bird watching can be done anywhere, anytime. Get out and enjoy the beauty God has provided us. A special thanks to my husband, Sy for his understanding of all the early morning departures and time away from home in the pursuit of my passion.

Best wishes,


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